
Imbolc Tarot Spread for connecting with Brigid

Imbolc tarot spread

Imbolc is an amazing time of the year. It's all about those cold days with just a hint of spring in the air.

The days get slightly longer and the inspiration to get moving on your goals kicks in again.

This spread can be used at Imbolc, or anytime you'd like to connect to the Goddess, The Goddess Brigid, or just reconnect to your own inner flame.

Any cards work with this, double up your tarot or oracle or try out your affirmation cards! Celtic themed cards will give an extra zing! ;)


CARD ONE: An offering to the goddess Brigid

Read this card intuitively. Sometimes an offering is a physical item you can leave out for Brigid, or it may be an offering of a different kind - lighting a candle or incense, an energy exchange of some kind, donating to charity. Go with whatever you get here.


CARD TWO: Darkness to leave behind

As the days become longer the darkness lessens. Just like we release on the full moon, this is a great time to leave something behind. What darkness are you carrying around that you'd like to release as the light comes in?


CARD THREE: A message from the Goddess

A message here from Brigid herself! :O


CARD FOUR: Embracing the fire goddess within

Here you will find a message about connecting with your inner Brigid at this time. What do you need to do to connect to your inner fire, strength, passion and power?


Feel free to come and share your readings on Tarot Nerds, or take a piccy and tag me on Instagram!

If you'd like to get a personal reading with me you can hook that up here.

With so much love, light and hints of spring,



The OA Tarot Spread

The OA Tarot Spread

If you're not totally losing your shiz over the OA on Netflix you're not doing 2017 right.

Me and the bf binge watched it over a couple of nights after being totally hooked from the start. Interdimensional travel, Angels, a killer soundtrack and the best choreography you've ever seen in your life? I mean, OMG. Stop even reading this and just go watch it.

The story line revolves around our girl Prairie who has a near death experience and then gets kidnapped by a creepy doctor who wants to do experiments on her, and others like her.

So obvs, the idea of feeling "trapped" was the inspiration for this spread.

If you want to know what's going on in your own life with feelings of being trapped and how to break free, this is the spread for you!

Tarot, Oracle and especially Angel cards are welcome for this one! 

5 cards, 5 movements! :O #TheAngelOracle by Ambika Wauters x

5 cards, 5 movements! :O #TheAngelOracle by Ambika Wauters x

CARD ONE: Where are you trapped?

This card will give you an idea of where you're trapped in your life.

In what areas of your life are you feeling stuck?


CARD TWO: Who or what has trapped you?

Hopefully not a creepy doctor, but perhaps it's a person, a situation, a belief or thought, perhaps something from the past holding you?

This card will show you who or what is responsible for your stuck-ness.


CARD THREE: Escape plan

Here you'll gather your resources and come up with a way out of this.


CARD FOUR: Interdimensional assistance

Even the best of us need a little assistance from another dimension now and then.

Advice coming in from your Angels right about now!


CARD FIVE: Way out

This card shows you the step/s to take to move out of this trapped and stuck feeling and out into freedom.

Here's one I made earlier with the Linestrider Tarot + the Vessel Oracle x

Here's one I made earlier with the Linestrider Tarot + the Vessel Oracle x

Want more Tarot + Oracle Spreads?

If you share your readings on Instagram be sure to tag me so I can find you! I'm @newagehipster333

You can always pop into Tarot Nerds for a chat about your readings too!

With so much love, light and interdimensional birds of freedom,



Summer Solstice Tarot Spread x

Summer Solstice Spread by Vix from New Age Hipster

Wahoo! It's Summer Solstice time in Australia! :D I'm currently on vacay and missing the Winter Solstice in the UK, if you're looking for a spread to help you through the chilly months click here.

The Summer Solstice is a great time to acknowledge and work with the light, the sun energy, the divine masculine and to stand in your own power gosh darn it!

This spread will help you navigate through this powerful time. As with all my spreads you can use Tarot, Oracle, Angel or whatever cards you have lying around. There is no real order to this spread, so feel free to start where it suits you.


Here's one I made earlier with the amazing Linestrider Tarot x

Here's one I made earlier with the amazing Linestrider Tarot x

CARD ONE: Your Source of light

If you're feeling a bit like OMG it's midsummer and I want to be enjoying myself and basking in the light and making some serious magic but how?? this card will tell you.

If you're already feeling mega magical - YAY, use this card as a compass pointing you towards where more light can be found.

I pulled the Queen of Wands - Boom! This reminds me that my source of light this solstice is within and in connecting with my own inner Queen of Wands!


CARD TWO: Keys to abundance

Oh man, don't you hate it when you lose your keys to abundance? D'oh! This card will remind you where you put them.

I pulled the six of cups, naaaw. My keys to abundance can be found in reconnecting with who I really am, and the things I used to really love.


CARD THREE: Reward yourself for this

We just don't reward ourselves for pretty much anything these days. This card will let you know where you've been going well and deserve a cheers!

I pulled the Devil for this card. This feels like it's time to throw a party for overcoming some fear and chains to negativity. Hoorah! Pizza and beer on me! :D


CARD FOUR: The Divine Masculine

This card can be read in many different ways depending on what the Divine Masculine means to you. It can be a message from the Divine Masculine, a message about connecting to this energy, or a message about how to work with and connect to the masculine energy within yourself.

I pulled the Lovers! Ooooh! This feels a little like falling in love with both masculine and feminine parts of myself...


CARD FIVE: How to create future success

When the sun shines down on you you can't go wrong. So what do you need to do to harness the sun's power and create future success in your life?

I pulled the Ace of Pentacles, and this feels like a message about how important it is to acknowledge the small successes, and connect to the abundance already in my life, the pennies in my purse and the food in my fridge. :)


I hope this spread serves you! Please do tag me in your pics on Instagram and hashtag #newagehipster so I can find your readings! :D

With so much love, light and sunny summer vibes,





The LightWork Spread for Tarot or Oracle x

The lightwork Tarot Oracle Spread Vix New Age Hipster.png

Being a lightworker is not always easy. There's a reason they call it lightwork right? This shiz is hard going sometimes!

We're always looking for ways we can be better humans, up-level our spiritual connections, and most of all, we're always trying to work out how to best help others and this planet.

This spread is designed to help you tap into what's going on for you with your lightworker journey.

As with all my spreads, you can use any cards you have with this spread - Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Unicorn, Uno, whatever you have is perfect. x

I did a reading for y'all with the Starchild Akashic Tarot - check out the video below! x

I did a reading for y'all with the Starchild Akashic Tarot - check out the video below! x

Card one: Your light heart

This card will help you suss out what's most on your heart at this time. What is beneath all the layers of "outside" stuff? What is really going on in there?


Card two: what fears need to be released?

Ah yay, here you will find some fears that are ready to be released.

When you do lightwork light is gonna be shone on everything! But the good news is this is something you absolutely can release if you want to.


Card three: what is blocking your light?

What's getting in the way of you being super shiny and bright and doing the best lightwork you possibly can?


How to serve yourself

As "lightworkers" or spiritual peeps who resonate with other labels (or no labels! Rarrr!) we often find ourselves wanting to save everyone, save the world and we don't spend a lot of time focusing on how to serve ourselves. We know that's not sustainable, but we often feel guilty putting ourselves first, but it's soooo important!

This card will let you know how to best serve and look after yourself.


How to serve the world

OK, now you're looking after yourself better you can start to help the world. This card will give you some insight into how you can best do that. 


Message from the light

Just a general message for you from the light, your guides, angels, ascended masters, cool ET guides, the light inside yourself, whoever/whatever you resonate with as "the light".

The Keepers of the Light Oracle are perfect for this spread! x

The Keepers of the Light Oracle are perfect for this spread! x


I'd love to see how your readings go, be sure to tag me in your pics on Instagram so I can find you and use the hashtag #newagehipster too!

With so much love, light and hardcore lightwork,



Daily Energy Spread

Daily Energy Spread for Tarot or Oracle Cards - New Age Hipster

Here's a tiny little two card tarot spread (or oracle, or angel or whatever cards of your choosing!) to help you navigate the energy of your day.

Pull these cards in the morning to help you understand what's going on with the energy around you and how you can best work with it. You can use any type of cards you like. I like to do this spread with one Tarot and one Oracle card.

This spread has been my go to over the last few weeks as the energy out there has been super crazy! Some days you wanna pull a whole big spread and sit and contemplate your journey for a while, on other days you just wanna know wtf you're dealing with and how to get through the day.

If you want more info you can pull two cards for each or as many as you need.

Card one: Energy you are in

This card will help you work out what energy you're in and what forces are at play for you today.

Card two: How to navigate through this energy

This card will let you know how you can work with the energy around you in the best way possible. 

Starchild Akashic Tarot + Keepers of the Light Oracle deck x

Starchild Akashic Tarot + Keepers of the Light Oracle deck x

As always I'd love to see your spreads on Instagram! Tag #newagehipster or tag me @newagehipster333 in your pics so I can find you!

If you're looking for more spreads you can find them here.

Happy Tarot-ing!

With love, light and awesome energy navigating,



Pumpkin Spice Latte Autumn Equinox Tarot or Oracle Spread

Pumpkin Spice Latte Autumn Equinox Spread.png

The Autumn (or Fall!) Equinox is upon us! We know this because we either follow the wheel of the year or we've noticed that Pumpkin Spice Latte is back! :D

I love Autumn. I love big chunky 80's jumpers, YA novels, chain drinking tea and of course, binge watching Netflix on the couch with the doona.

As we head into this beautiful season it's a great time to pull out your fave deck of Tarot, Oracle or whatever cards you have lying around and check in!

I also did this reading for us all which you can check out by scrolling down or popping over to the New Age Hipster YouTube channel.

If you need a personal reading head to my Readings page for info on how to hook that up!

PS - if you're in Aussie or other Southern Hemisphere places you might wanna check out the Spring Equinox Reading.



What do you need to be grateful for at this time? Where could you be more grateful? What are the wonderful things in your life you don't notice enough? Grounding yourself in gratitude now will get you through the colder months. It's great to make a note of this, put a picture or a phrase on your wall or somewhere you'll see it often to remind you.



Where and  how should you ground your energy at this time? How are you going to stay grounded now that there are less opportunities to go rub your feet in the grass?



This card can represent that which has grown beautifully in your life, the stuff you need to be really proud of. Notice what's grown! Or it can represent anything that needs to be cut away. Harvesting is about collecting pumpkins, but also getting rid of those veggies that didn't grow so well.


Stock up

It's a great time to stock up so you don't run out later. What do you need to stock up on now so you can get through the winter without running out?



Where will you find warmth when it does start getting chilly? What is your energetic hot water bottle?



It would be great if we could take time off and just sit with the Kindle until Christmas, but we still have to work. Here you'll find a message about how to get up and get going on your work, projects and dreams even when it's pitch black outside and you just wanna doona burrito yourself.



Where will you find joy at this time? How can you best connect to that delicious whipped cream feeling?


If you wanna chat about your own spread pop on over to Tarot Nerds or Spiritual Journey Pitstop the two groups I admin on Facebook!

May your Autumn be full of pumpkin spice lattes!

With so much love and light,



The Circle



A monthly membership to support you on your spiritual path.

Each month we dive into a new topic, and you get a PDF workbook including info, journal prompts + a tarot/oracle spread, downloadable MP3 meditative journey and access to a community of gorgeous like-minded souls.




The Biz Spread

The Biz Tarot + Oracle Spread by Vix New Age Hipster x

This spread is for you if you run your own biz, or even if you're just starting out on the spiritpreneurs path.

Whether you're a fellow Tarot Reader, doing other awesome spiritual work, running your own cafe or even if you're the CEO of a big company this spread is fab for any time you just want to sit down and take stock of where you are with some tips for moving forward.

You can use Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Old Maid or any other other type of cards. 

If you'd like me to do this reading for you (or do you something else!) check out The Biz Reading on my Etsy Store.


Here's one I made earlier. x

Here's one I made earlier. x

Biz Cards - Where your biz is at

This card will give you some idea of where your business is at right now and some of the vibes you've got working with you.

I pulled the Eight of Wands! Hoorah! :D Looks like things are moving for my biz. Although, in the Connolly Tarot the wands don't look so lined up, need to get my wands lined up for even smoother sailing.


Chair - Support

What or who is your biggest support right now? This card may represent someone in your life, an aspect of your own self or even your spirit guides and helpers.

I got the Six of Cups. Usually I'd say this is about support from family and old friends, but there is a figure in this image looking over the girl who's giving the boy some flowers. Pretty sure that's one of my guides, he looks a bit like Big Mike! 


Sent Items - Completion

What is finished? What have you done well? What can you finally stop worrying about in your biz? This could be projects, energies you no longer have to work with, relationships, anything that is now completed. 

With the Ace of Swords reversed in my own spread this feels like I've made some great progress in standing in my power, changing my story and my thoughts to help me move forward. It also feels a bit like "you've done really well, but this is still something to remember!" Gah. x


Spam - Blocks

What is blocking your business from really taking off?

I got the Tower, ah crap! Hahah! Looks like some stuff needs to go. I have books and books of ideas scrawled down for New Age Hipster, it might be time to let some of them go so I can make room for some new ones!


Window - Distractions

It's very hard when you work for yourself not to get distracted. This card will show you where your distractions are and/or how to stay focused.

I got The Empress reversed. Sometimes I do get very distracted by thinking "OMG I have to create that right now!" I also tend to have creative ideas that I never allow time for. Looks like I need some balance with that.


Inbox - Action

Where do you need to take action in your business right now

I got Transition (AKA the Death card) reversed. o_0 Thanks team. I guess the best place for me to take action right now is to start pruning! A great reminder also to let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to the bigger plan instead of getting obsessive about to do lists.


Coffee - Nourishment

When you run your own biz it's very, very easy to get totally deep fried. This card will give you some idea of how to nourish yourself and your biz to avoid this as much as possible!

My card is the Nine of Wands. Protecting my energy, time and space is super important for me right now. Boundaries are the best self-care in business. 


If you dug this spread you can check out my other spreads here or hook up a reading with me here

With so much love and light,



Stranger Things Tarot + Oracle Spread

Stranger Things Tarot Oracle Spread New Age Hipster x

If you haven't seen Stranger Things yet close all tabs immediately, except for Netflix, and go watch it. 

As a hard core 80's enthusiast and woo woo woman the TV show Stranger Things has been everything I ever wanted in a TV show. Telekinesis powers, a freaking killer soundtrack,  I mean, it even has Winona

But enough fan-girling, let's get our decks out!

A big theme running through this show is the search for truth, so I thought it would be be totes aprope to centre this spread around our own personal search for truth

You can use Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Uno or whatever cards you have. 

PS - this spread is not for the faint of heart. Serious truth seekers only!


Here's one I made earlier... x

Here's one I made earlier... x

What you don't want to see

This card can give you some insight into what truth you are ignoring, truth you are afraid to see, or truths that you just haven't even noticed until now.

I got Transition (Death) reversed. Ah gah. I'm always telling everyone else to stop resisting change, and here I am, totally resisting it. 


Where the truth is hidden

Sometimes others are hiding truths from us, sometimes we hide them within us, sometimes they are hiding under bushes. This card will help you work out where the truth is hiding.

With the Ten of Swords coming up for me, my truth is pretty clearly hiding in the completion of a cycle. This next to Death is pretty truth telling! :o


What blocks the truth

Who or what is blocking you from seeing the truth? Are outside influences stopping you seeing the truth about your own life? Or is it something within you?

With the Three of Cups reversed in my spread I know this is a pretty specific message about how I like to call things in, but I sometimes forget I have to go out and find them too.


Your Strength - who or what has your back

This card could represent the people around you who have your back, spirit guides and angels working with you, or aspects of yourself to draw on right now.

The Page of Swords here for me feels very much like my own power, sort of new-ish power, but it's powerful all the same. I'm totally ready for this battle, even if I'm kind of freaking out on the inside! 


Double sided glass to shatter

What illusions do you need to let go of to really see the truth about where you are and who you are and what you need to do to live in the truth of it all?

I got Eight of Wands reversed and for me I know this is all about dropping the illusion of struggle and fighting against the energy that's around me. A big kick in the butt to work with energy I'm in, rather than struggle.


The truth

Now we have the truth of the situation. What is the ultimate truth you need to see right now about yourself, your life or your situation?

I got The Magician reversed. Lol. So my truth right now is that I'm not yet reaching my full magic, manifesting, witchy woo woo potential, and I have some serious work to do on it before I will, but it will totally happen if I want it to!


Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this spread and found it useful! And if you do want to grab a reading with me you can do that by clicking here.

Oh, and if you really want to start living in your truth Woo Woo School might just help you do that too!

With love, light and truth,



The meh Tarot or Oracle Spread - for when you're feeling a little meh x

Meh Tarot or Oracle Spread by Vix from New Age Hipster x.png

Sometimes you just feel a little bit meh. Not great, not that bad, but just a bit "whatever". On those days you can grab a deck (Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Crystal, Uno, whatever) and come join me in exploring what's going on with your meh mood.

The two positions in this spread that say "Oracle" can totally be interchanged with whatever decks you have. Check out the video below to check it out in action with a little workshop style Tarot reading! :D

If you're feeling a little more than meh, like if you're totally bummed out, you can try the Bummed Out Spread

You can find the link to all my other free Tarot and Oracle Spreads here. If you love it just SO, so much you can grab my e-book of spreads here too! 


Why you feel meh

Sometimes we don't really know why we feel meh.

This card will shine a little light on where you're at and let you know what it is you're resisting, avoiding, what blocks are coming up and whatever else might be causing your meh mood.


What's holding you in meh

When we feel meh it can be hard to just "get over it" and turn off Netflix. I mean we've all been glued to The Gilmore Girls with no ability whatsoever to move, unless it's to make tea, and sometimes even that feels like an effort. This card will let you know what's keeping you feeling meh.


How to release your meh

And now some tips on how to release your meh feeling and move on with your life! Yay! 


Action to take

OK, so what do you need to do to get out of meh,  you know, when you're ready. Because it's totally OK to feel a bit meh sometimes, but you can't pitch a tent and live there, K?


Thoughts to change

Very often when we're feeling a bit blah we're not paying attention to our own thoughts.

Are you hustling too hard because you have a belief about how you gotta hustle to win at life and burning out in the process? Are you feeling like a loser because you have a belief that being single sucks?

So many old thought patterns can creep in, even when we think we've totally cleared them for good. This card will let you know what thoughts to change and focus on right now to bring you out of meh.


Oracle for Love and Hugs

This is just a lovely little message from your spiritual team of support, love and etheric hugs!


Oracle for Empowerment

And here's a message from your team to empower you and help you move through this. :D YAY!


If you wanna post a pic of your spreads on Instagram you can use the hashtag #newagehipster or tag me so I can find you! :)

And if your meh mood still won't quit you can always hook up a reading with me and we can sort through it together.

With so much love, light and meh moving vibes!



Winter Solstice Spread for Self Love and Self Care

K, so this is weird. 

Usually I'm in the northern hemisphere for Solstices and these sorts of things, but right now I'm in Australia.

I'm going to be flying back to the UK on the 21st, which is pretty much the Solstice, and so I'm kind of going to get more Winter Solstice than Summer Solstice, which is why I made a Winter Solstice spread in the middle of UK summer.

I always feel a bit meh during winter. Especially in the UK. There's no sun for months on end and so I think it's super important for us to be kind to ourselves with warm slippers and cups of cocoa. That's why this is a self love + self care spread.

Weirdly though, it's actually been sunnier and nicer in Melbourne than it has in the UK for the last few weeks.

So yeah, what's going on? It's winter, but it's sunny.

But anyway!

Here's a Winter Solstice spread for y'all to try, whether it's winter or not, who cares, it's a great spread for self love and self care on any cold day, or anytime of the year anyway.


1. Reward Yourself

This card will let you know what you've done awesomely that needs a reward. Like, what can you reward yourself for, and how can you do it?

I got the Fool reversed. Time to reward myself for all the times I got out of my comfort zone and said "screw it" and jumped. I trusted the universe, I could trust it more, that's true. But mostly I'm gonna reward myself for the adventures I've taken and probably reward myself by planning another jump.


2. Rest Here

They always say "don't rest on your laurels", but actually, this is exactly what you should do right now. What are your laurels to rest on?

I got Four of Swords reversed. Ha! This is like yes Vix, this means you too. Hahah.


3. Seeds to Sow

The Winter Solstice is more about sowing seeds than making stuff happen. What are some seeds for you to start sowing, or think about sowing?

I got the Eight of Cups. Time to sow some serious seeds for mindset shifts and work on some overwhelm issues!


4. Love Yourself

Everyone is always banging on about self love and loving yourself, but WTF does it even really mean? This card will give you some guidance on how to love yourself.

I got the Ten of Pentacles. A bit of a "it's OK to be successful and be looked after financially" message. Loving yourself is about accepting all the gifts the universe throws at you, not being a martyr. 


5. Your Inner Light

What's lighting you up? What's keeping you bright?

I got the Tower reversed. OMG this reading is killing me. Haha! OK, so actually, right now I'm being lit up by the idea of creating my life and my biz from the ground up. A lot of stuff had to go, but it's OK because actually, rebuilding stuff the way you really want it is super exciting.


6. Awesomeness Potential

Oh yeah baby! It might be cold (or not really if you're in parts of Aussie) and you might not feel like doing much right now, but babe, you will, and when you do, this is the cool stuff that may come up for you.

I got the Nine of Wands reversed. A great message about releasing some old junk here, especially "what others think of you" and generally letting down your guard. 


7. How to Stay Shiny

Sometimes when it's cold and dark it's hard to stay shiny. But this card will help you find a way to stay shiny, even in the dark. For more help with this check out my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny!

I got the Four of Pentacles. I can stay shiny by letting go, surrendering and letting it happen rather than focusing on and forcing myself to be shiny at all times!


I hope this spread helps you, wherever you are, whatever the season or the weather.

You can come talk about your findings in the Tarot Nerds or Spiritual Journey Pitstop group and be sure to hashtag #newagehipster on Instagram so I can find you!

With so much love, light and warm winter solstices,

