Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Tarot Spread

Full moon lunar eclipse blessings gorgeous souls!

Looking for the Eclipse Season spread? Click here!

So here we are, at the end of this eclipse season and wow, what a wild ride it has been. Uh, okay, continues to be!

Eclipses are intense and so are full moons. Add to that the energy of Taurus which is real stubborn stickler and oh yeah, we are also now in Scorpio season!

Hey look, if you need to go Hermit somewhere and hide this one out, you just do you!

Self-care is actually a very Taurean practice. Looking after your physical body is absolutely essential for all of us right now.

A fried nervous system leads to anxiety, lack of sleep, inability to focus and a whole bunch of other things that none of us want.

So if you do one thing this full moon lunar eclipse I’d highly recommend just taking a break from being online (I’m about to do another 40 days off socials, but more about that later!) and just do a kind of self-energetic-re-group.

Eclipses bring major opportunities for shadow work, and this eclipse and full moon may shine an especially large flood light over your material world, especially your money and work stuff.

And the real kicker with this moon is that it won’t just show you what’s not working for you, it will also show you where you need to step up and take responsibility for the outcomes you want.

A lot of things in this life and in this world are out of our control, but a lot is in our control.

We can choose to face our bank balances, look at where our money is going, look at where we are creating problems in any area of our lives and start make some changes.

When I finally took charge of my own money shizzle everything changed for me! You can find out more about how I did that in my course:

#MoneyLove: 28 days of magical + practical activities to support your shift into prosperity consciousness

To really feel safe, secure and grounding in the world, especially with your material needs being met, you have to open your eyes, look it in the face and take responsibility for what you see.

And while it’s scary AF to do that for most of us (it was for me!!) the results can be incredible!

We talk so much about reclaiming our power in spiritual circles. We meditate and call it back and make affirmations, but sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is open your eyes to where you may be sabotaging yourself and start making some changes!

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Money & material blocks/issues

2. how to heal/release these

3. how to feel safe, secure & grounded

4. where your power lies

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and power!

