The Biz Spread

The Biz Tarot + Oracle Spread by Vix New Age Hipster x

This spread is for you if you run your own biz, or even if you're just starting out on the spiritpreneurs path.

Whether you're a fellow Tarot Reader, doing other awesome spiritual work, running your own cafe or even if you're the CEO of a big company this spread is fab for any time you just want to sit down and take stock of where you are with some tips for moving forward.

You can use Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Old Maid or any other other type of cards. 

If you'd like me to do this reading for you (or do you something else!) check out The Biz Reading on my Etsy Store.


Here's one I made earlier. x

Here's one I made earlier. x

Biz Cards - Where your biz is at

This card will give you some idea of where your business is at right now and some of the vibes you've got working with you.

I pulled the Eight of Wands! Hoorah! :D Looks like things are moving for my biz. Although, in the Connolly Tarot the wands don't look so lined up, need to get my wands lined up for even smoother sailing.


Chair - Support

What or who is your biggest support right now? This card may represent someone in your life, an aspect of your own self or even your spirit guides and helpers.

I got the Six of Cups. Usually I'd say this is about support from family and old friends, but there is a figure in this image looking over the girl who's giving the boy some flowers. Pretty sure that's one of my guides, he looks a bit like Big Mike! 


Sent Items - Completion

What is finished? What have you done well? What can you finally stop worrying about in your biz? This could be projects, energies you no longer have to work with, relationships, anything that is now completed. 

With the Ace of Swords reversed in my own spread this feels like I've made some great progress in standing in my power, changing my story and my thoughts to help me move forward. It also feels a bit like "you've done really well, but this is still something to remember!" Gah. x


Spam - Blocks

What is blocking your business from really taking off?

I got the Tower, ah crap! Hahah! Looks like some stuff needs to go. I have books and books of ideas scrawled down for New Age Hipster, it might be time to let some of them go so I can make room for some new ones!


Window - Distractions

It's very hard when you work for yourself not to get distracted. This card will show you where your distractions are and/or how to stay focused.

I got The Empress reversed. Sometimes I do get very distracted by thinking "OMG I have to create that right now!" I also tend to have creative ideas that I never allow time for. Looks like I need some balance with that.


Inbox - Action

Where do you need to take action in your business right now

I got Transition (AKA the Death card) reversed. o_0 Thanks team. I guess the best place for me to take action right now is to start pruning! A great reminder also to let go of attachment to outcomes, surrender to the bigger plan instead of getting obsessive about to do lists.


Coffee - Nourishment

When you run your own biz it's very, very easy to get totally deep fried. This card will give you some idea of how to nourish yourself and your biz to avoid this as much as possible!

My card is the Nine of Wands. Protecting my energy, time and space is super important for me right now. Boundaries are the best self-care in business. 


If you dug this spread you can check out my other spreads here or hook up a reading with me here

With so much love and light,

