
The Empath Spread

The Empath Spread New Age Hipster x

Being an Empath certainly has it's challenges. I dunno, I think we're all Empaths really, but some of us are hiding our Empath-ness under a bunch of other stuff and some of us aren't so much. If you're reading this, you're probably an Empath.


Empath in a nutshell: someone who picks up energies from other people, places, situations, whatever and is affected by them, OFTEN in a negative way.


E.g. if you hang out with grumpy people  you get grumpy. You can pick up all sorts of junk when you're an Empath,

but if you want to, you can totally clear it, protect yourself and use your Empath powers for good!

If you're somebody who's super sensitive to energies, this spread is for you!

Come hang out in Tarot Nerds if you wanna share or ask for help with your spreads or hashtag me #newagehipster on social media so I can find you!


Your Heart

This card is all about who you are without all the energies of everyone else, and everything else around you. What's really going on in that heart of yours? Where's your heart at? What's in your heart when you take away all the other hunks of energetic junk around you?


How to Ground

This card will give you some info around what's the haps with your grounding. Are you grounded? If not, what can you do about it? How can you get groundedAs an Empath you gotta get grounded babe


Who/What is affecting you

This is what is majorly affecting your energy right now. Could be what happened today at work, or on a bigger scale - like some big stuff going on that's been wearing you down for ages. This card should help you make sense of it.


How to Clear

When you're living life as a Empath clearing your energy is everything! This card will give you some insights into what/how to clear away that gunk!


How to Protect

Protecting yo pretty self from bad juju is imperative guys. Your protection bubble is your best friend here sweet pea, so check out what this card has to say about protecting your energy.


Moving Forward

So now that you know what's going on with your energy and what's affecting you, where do you go from here? What do you need to be aware of? What do you need to take action with? Being an Empath is no excuse for not living a freaking awesome life, so get out there and make it happen! Rarrr! This card should inspire you to do so, or at least give you some ideas on how to get there.


Now check out the video if you wanna see this spread in action! :D


With so much love, light and empath hugs!



PS - if you wanna share this spread around social media and your blog it's all good with a credit to New Age Hipster. x

Spring Equinox Tarot or Oracle Spread

Spring Equinox Spread for Tarot or Oracle

I don't know about you guys, but that winter felt really loooooong! I've totally hibernated. I've been working my butt off, reading a bunch of spiritual and YA books, watching way too many episodes of Heartland and generally being pretty boring.

But now that Spring is here I'm feeling the buzz, like all those seeds sown bloody ages ago are finally turning into plants and I totally feel like I'm coming back to life! 

So I made this super cute spread for y'all in the shape of a flower (obvs) so you can see your efforts turning into pretty petals and hack off anything that's stopping you from blooming!

For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere you might wanna come back to this in like, six months...

Or, feel free to do this spread any time you feel like you could use some rejuvenation

As always, use whatever cards resonate with you and if you do share this spread on social media just hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you! :D 

I used the Fountain Tarot and the Magical Messages from the Fairies deck as an example reading for you, because hello, it's Spring and that's Fairy new year! :P



You roots are holding the magic of the seeds you've sown over the past few months or even the last few years. 

This card also lets you know what is grounding you right now in your life.

I pulled Debt Paid Off and The Sun!

All that hard work I put in over the winter is finally paying off and it's time to switch up grounding myself in hard work and books with grounding myself in joy and nature walks!



You are a super strong being of light, and this spring you are holding your own again! 

This card lets you know where you can draw strength from and also reminds you of your own strengths that may have been dormant lately.

I pulled Dietary Change and the Hanged Man.

Just looking at this guy with his pretty sleek physique is making me think this is all about exercise and eating better!  Spring is an awesome time to shift up and change your eating habits and get back to those dance classes!



This little bud isn't opening yet, but it will! This is a sort of "potential future" for your Spring!

I pulled Prefect Timing and Queen of Coins reversed.

A message that I have the potential to step more fully into my Queen of Coins this season, but there's some other lessons and blessings to move through first. 



This bud is budding! Not yet totally open, but we're nearly there!

I pulled Good-bye to the Old, Hello to the New and Strength reversed. Time to call on some inner strength to help get me through this transition from old sleepy winter Vix to new sparkly spring Vix! 



Whoop! So here's something that is already blossoming in your life!

I got Get Some Exercise (LOL!) and Six of Coins reversed. For me this is like my journey of switching my focus to my body and spirit instead of my possessions! Sure I still wanna get paid, but focus has switched for me from material stuff to health and wellbeing. 



OK, so you can really only get some awesome growth happening if you do some pruning too. Spring is an awesome time to prune away any old branches, clearing out the closet and laying to rest some old thought patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

I pulled Pregnancy and Page of Swords reversed. What's up with all these reversed cards huh??

I have a lot of projects that are unfinished. This feels like a kick in the pants to get them birthed by the Summer. Also that Page of Swords is reminding me so much that I need to clear my energy better. Thanks man. 



What else are you pruning??

I got Your Desire Is Within Reach and The Devil reversed.

Here's a card I actually love seeing reversed! LOL! This for me is like releasing old anxiety and stress. Keeping the faith and throwing away the doubt, and finally freeing myself of some of the old thoughts and beliefs that keep me stuck sometimes.



Here's your big bloom! What is really working in your life, what's coming up roses for you this season?

I got Patience (REALLY??) and The Emperor. 

This is all like staying in my power, invoking my inner CEO and getting a bit better at some of the right brained biz stuff, but also a reminder that this stuff takes time. Being present, enjoying each day and finding that balance between doing the work and being in flow. 


I would love to see your spreads if you wanna share! You can share by either tagging me on Instagram, hashtagging #newagehipster on Twitter or Facebook or coming to hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group or Tarot Nerds

With love, light and blooming springs!



The Circle



A monthly membership to support you on your spiritual path.

Each month we dive into a new topic, and you get a PDF workbook including info, journal prompts + an exclusive tarot/oracle spread, downloadable MP3 meditative journey and access to a community of gorgeous like-minded souls.

Nashville Shadow Work Tarot Spread

Things I love: Nashville, Tarot + a bit of personal development.

Shadow work is not a term I use a lot. Not because I don't do it, but as a "lightworker" I kind of feel like my whole life is shadow work! Shadow work to me is really just looking at our own shit and sorting it out. If you wanna be a lightworker you're not going to get very far by just ignoring your human self stuff and your ego. Shadow work helps us to work with our ego rather than against it, or just ignoring it!

But sorting yourself out does not have to be boring right?! 

Nashville has some interesting characters, and you can't really watch it without thinking - OMG these guys so need to do some shadow work. 

You can use this spread with any kinds of cards although I find regular ole' Tarot the best for this kind of thing. 

You don't need to know the show to use this spread, but I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you're into cute cowboys and country music. I think it's a past life thing for me. Or maybe in a parallel incarnation I'm actually Taylor Swift before she went mainstream. Just a thought. 

Word of warning: shadow work is not for the faint of heart. It often kicks your butt and pisses you off before it sets you free. It shines light on all the places where you're being a dick and some people don't dig that kind of thing. Personally I find it quite liberating as long as I'm in the right frame of mind to be doing it.

Don't attempt shadow work on a day when you're feeling sorry for yourself or low vibe. 

image from www.metrolyrics.com

image from www.metrolyrics.com

LAYLA - what dream always evades you?

Poor Layla. She wants to be a big, big star but there's always someone or something holding her back.

This card will shed some light on that big dream of yours that just never seems to get any traction. 


WILL - what part of yourself do you hide from the outside world?

Will has spent a lot of time hiding his sexuality from the world, fearing that people won't like him if they know the truth even though I'm pretty sure we all love a gay cowboy with a great voice who looks a hell of a lot like Luke from the OC

This card will show you what part of yourself you're hiding from the outside world. 


MADDIE - what big dream are you not quite ready for?

Maddie just really wants to have a recording contract and be the next big thing in Country, but her Mom says she's not ready. Boo!

This card will show you something you're not quite ready for. Doesn't mean it's not going to happen, just not just yet! 


REYNA - what are you trying to control?

I love Reyna so much. I mean, her hair right? But she is pretty much a control freak.

What are you trying to control in your life right now that you should probably loosen the reigns on a little?


DEACON - what are you addicted to?

Deacon does a damn good job of dealing with his addictions. How are you doing with yours?

Addictions can be big or small; coffee, Facebook, drama or hard drugs. What's your poison? 


JULIETTE - what illusions do you have about your life and your dreams?

Juliette is super famous, and being super famous sometimes gives you some pretty whack ideas about life.

This card will help you discover what illusions you have about  your own life. 


JEFF - where are your morals a little sketchy?

Jeff isn't really a bad guy, but he sure does make some pretty ruthless decisions sometimes. Hey, none of us are perfect. Hopefully you're not blackmailing anyone into letting minors sign with your label or getting the police to cover up your almost-lethal pool parties...

But if your morals are a little sketchy in some way, this card will let you know where. 


AVERY - what negative thought patterns are holding you back?

I honestly have a big ole' country crush on our boy Avery Barkley, but I don't think I could actually date him. I mean, he's just a bit too much of a brooding downer most of the time. Urgh. Like lighten up a little man! 

This card will let you know where you're negativity is holding you back. 


SCARLETT - what old dreams need reviving? 

One minute she's having a meltdown on stage while playing for a packed out arena, next episode she's singing at the Bluebird! You can always revive old dreams, no matter how stale they are, or how much you swore you'd never do it again!

This card will let you know what old dreams you have that can be revived if you want them!


GUNNAR - where are you wearing your rose coloured glasses?

Gunnar is totes adorbs. He falls in love with every girl he meets and still holds a flame for them all, jumping at the first chance to get back with his ex, or his other ex, or his ex's best friend. It never totally works out for him though. I wonder why hmmm?

This card will help you see where you're wearing those rose coloured glasses in your own life. 


So go get your Nashville boxset and a deck of cards and get your shadow work on country style!

If you wanna share your spread on Instagram be sure to use the hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you! Or come chat about your findings in the Facebook group

With love, light and vegan cowboy boots,



10 Things to do with affirmation Cards

I love coming up with quirky new things to do with my card decks. There is so much more to using your cards than just doing the ole' daily draw!

If you're in the market for an affirmation deck you can't go past the Miracles Now deck by Gabby Bernstein! I'm a huge fan and super excited about her London gigs coming up on the 22nd and 23rd of January! I've teamed up with Hay House for a GIVEAWAY of FIVE Miracles Now DECKS! :O OMG! Click here to enter, and keep reading for some ideas on what to do with this deck, or any affirmation cards you already have!


Daily Draws

Yeah OK, I said there was more to affirmation card life than daily draws, but actually, daily draws are pretty awesome. Leave your deck in the car, take it in your bag or even keep it in your desk at work so that you don't miss your daily reading. I also like to keep a deck by my bed so I can pull a card before I go to sleep. 


Meditation Mantras

Pick a card as part of your meditation practice and use it at a mantra. Say it out loud or just breathe it in and out. 



Who says card decks are only for divination!? Blue tac your favourite cards to the bathroom mirror or make a cool display in your office! You can even string them up in your bedroom with some fairy lights! #Gorgeous! 


Ask specific questions

We usually work with affirmation decks by just asking for a general card or a message, but you can totally get into the details with these cards too! "What affirmation will most help me right now with my money stuff?" "What affirmation or mantra can I work with in relation to my annoying flatmate?" Go ahead and get specific! Us Tarot Readers always say the more specific your question is, the more specific your answer will be. 


Soul Searching/Shadow Work

K, so I'm not a huge fan of the term "shadow work" but affirmation decks can give you a darn good idea of what you need to work on within yourself. I seriously just pulled "The qualities I dislike in others are disowned parts of my shadow" WOAH! Grab your journal and use your affirmation deck to help you with some serious soul searching and personal development.


Messages from your higher self

Use the affirmations as if they are messages from your higher self, best or soul self! Know that on a soul level you are already embodying this energy! I just pulled "My positive energy leaves a powerful impression on the world" OMG! I might not always feel like I'm doing that, so it's nice to have a little soul reminder! 



I'm a huge fan of having random cards all over my desk. Just now I have five cards from five different decks propped up on my desk to help me to bring that energy into my life. Sometimes cards will pop up in a reading that you'll want to keep out all day (some you want to put straight back in the deck! LOL!) other times you can go through the deck face up and choose a card that resonates with the energy or things you most want to manifest in your life.


Tarot Spreads

Guys this might sound weird, but there is no reason at all why you can't use an affirmation deck (or any deck!) the same way you use your Tarot cards. Check out this video I made you to show you how it's done! 


Give your cards away!

Your deck doesn't have to stay all in one piece if you have the urge to give some of it away. Perhaps there's a card in your deck that is just so your bezzie. Send her or him the image on IG or go one better and pop the card in an envelope and send it over to their house. Secretly place a card on your loved one's pillow before bed and say it was magic! Gift different cards to different friends and loved ones, but make sure to save at least one for yourself! It's like those BFF necklaces for woo woos. Spread the energy, spread the love and stay connected! 


Affirm + create shifts!

It's not enough when you're working with affirmations to just read the card, nod your head and say "yeah I so need that" and then put the card back in the deck and forget all about it. The magic of affirmations comes from actually saying them out loud! I like to say affirmations at least three times, but if you're really working on something say it ten times! Go for the tried and true 108 times if you're really serious about creating shifts! It 'aint gonna work unless you do the work


Do you have any wacky or out of the box ways you like to work with your cards? I'd love to hear about them in the comments or over on Social Media

Don't forget to enter the comp to win a deck! :D 

With love, light and awesome affirmations! 



Bummed Out Spread

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

Bum belongs to Bruce Springsteen. x

You know how sometimes you just feel bummed out or in a funk and you have no idea how it happened, why you feel that way or what to do about it?

Well bum about no longer kids, because I made you this tarot spread to help you work it all out, shed some light on your bummed-out-ness and help you find a way forward, onwards and upwards

As with all my spreads you can use any Tarot, Angel or Oracle cards you have lying about. I used both the Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel and the Angel Therapy deck by Doreen Virtue in the video below, but I'm just going to give you examples from the tarot in the write up.


Card one - Where you were

So this is basically where you were before you got bummed out. What the inciting incident was that led to you getting bummed out.

I got the Four of Swords here and I know it's because I was not getting enough rest or taking it easy when I should have been! That kind of not looking after yourself will always lead to feeling bummed out sooner or later.


Card two - What brought you down

This is what actually brought you down. The specifics of how you ended up in a funk. 'Cos sometimes you just don't know.

I got the Six of Cups reversed. For me that feels like it's about not being on the path, or stressing about not being on the right path. Focusing on the wrong things. 


Card three - Energies around you

This card represents what's going on around you - what energies you can draw from to help you, or what's around you that needs clearing

I got the King of Cups reversed. It got me thinking about how to practice self care with a masculine energy... There's some energy here about being depleted, but a message to refill in a more masculine way rather than just having bubble baths. 

What do you guys think about the whole self-care with a masculine vibe thing?!


Card four - What could keep you down

This card points you towards the things that you need to watch out for if you're going to try to pick yourself up. Whatever's going on in this card is something that's a challenge for you, something that can totally absorb your energy and keep your cup empty if you let it.

I got the Empress reversed. For me that's about creating a LOT of stuff, but not actually giving birth to it! Hmmmmm, interesting! 


Card Five - What will help

This card will give you a message of what to focus on to get out and stay out of this bummed out vibe.

I got Starseed reversed. A message for me here to balance my starseed/high vibe/hanging out with angels energy with being grounded and present in this life, in the here and now. 


I hope this spread helps lift you out of funks, brings you back up when you're feeling bummed out, down or generally blerg. 

Let me see your spreads on social media by using the hashtag #newagehipster or tagging me! :D

With love, light and funk free vibes!



Full Moon Releasing Spread

I've been on this spread creation binge for a while now and I thought I'd add in a little something for your Full Moon this month! How's about a Full Moon Releasing Spread?! :D 

While the New Moon is a great time for manifesting, the Full Moon is a perfect opportunity to release some of that stuff you've been dragging around. You can also use this spread any time you've got some releasing to do!

So grab your Tarot, Oracle, Angel or Uno cards and a nice big hot cup of tea and let's play!

I'm gonna double up on this one and use both the Cosmic Tarot and Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, because the Full Moon is a pretty awesome time to connect with some Goddess energy

Oh and check the video below to see it in action! x


1. You Are Here

This card is like your anchor. Where are you? Why are you here right now pulling these cards? What's going on for you in your life right now?

I pulled Sekhmet - Be Strong and the Devil Reversed. OK, so I know for me this spread is gonna be about releasing a bunch of old patterns and ways of thinking and being. Finally I'm letting the grip of this stuff go and it's a time for me to finally be able to stay in my power with this stuff! Rarrr!


2. Release

Pretty straight forward - this is the big thing to be releasing this Full Moon, or whenever you're doing this spread. Let this thing go, it no longer serves you babe.

I got Ishtar - Boundaries and Three of Wands. In the Cosmic Tarot I always see this chic on the Three of Wands as just being totally content, connected and happy doing what she's doing. It's like just chilling out with your inner peace while you wait for your abundance truck. The Ishtar card here is like - Vix, in order to keep staying in your peace place you've got to set better boundaries. Release the idea that you have to do everything for everyone and please everyone all the time. Totally!


3. Lessons

Releasing is all about looking back. Checking out what no longer serves you and what you can finally get rid of. It's like clearing out your closet, looking at each item, remembering those times you wore it and then deciding you're done with it. When we're looking back it's great to check out the Lessons and Blessings that this old stuff has brought you. Don't be like - urgh, this thing is shit! Take some time with these next two cards to see what awesome things you can take away from where you've been.

I got Cordelia - Go Otuside and the Five of Swords. This is a little bit like burnout energy here for me. It's true, I have been burning myself out and not giving myself enough time for my own Vix things. New Age Hipster is basically my life right now, but I know I have to avoid burnout by setting better boundaries, getting outside and chilling the eff out a bit more. I've definitely learnt this lesson though, so hoorah! Hey, it's still a work in progress, but I've come a long way!


4. Blessings

Blessings are often not seen as blessings at the time. Sometimes these are the things that only later appear to be blessings, but at the time really piss you off. You know, blessings in disguise and all that. This is the moment to look back now and see those obstacles for what they really were

I got Aeracura - Blossoming and Two of Pentacles. Sometimes not knowing WTF to do is a blessing. It creates space and time for the universe to do it's work and it helps you to cultivate plans, ideas, patience and peace. For me this is about not pushing things to happen, but rather being open to divine timing and letting things blossom when the time is right. Sometimes feeling stuck is a blessing. It stops you pursuing the wrong thing and taking you way too far down the wrong path. 


5. Dream

This is your dream! This is where you can potentially get to if you can get to this releasing party and really make the most of it. What do you really want? What does your heart and soul really want

I got Ostara - Fertility and The Star. Uh, OK so The Star is like - yeah, my dream is to be super shiny and to help other people be super shiny too! I just wanna spread starshine all over the place! Wheeee! Also for me, giving birth to my creative dreams is HUGE. 


6. Big Step

This is like the big thing that you need to do so you can reach your dreams! It's kind of like the long term stuff. The 12 month, or maybe longer, plan. 

I got Brigit - Don't Back Down and The Lovers Reversed. This for me is like keep trucking, keep following these dreams (for as long as you want to!) but also putting equal amounts of energy into my relationships and my love life! Don't be all work and no play Vix! Stop telling everyone else to have a great work/life balance if you can't. Be authentic, practice what you preach and all that stuff.


7. Next Step

This is the thing to focus on next. Well, after you've had this releasing party. Don't rush through the releasing stuff to get to the next step or you're going to wobble. Take some notes on this one, but don't stress out about it today. Focus on the release and start putting this into practice after a good night's sleep.

I got Mary Magdalene - Unconditional Love and King of Pentacles Reversed. Pretty obviously it's like focus on service and not on cash money. But also it feels like another message about boundaries (did you get any themes in your spread?!)! Love yourself first. Gah, that's a hard one isn't it? Fill your own cup first. 


Come say hi on Social Media, hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you and your spreads and let me know how you go with this one! I hope it helps you! 

If you want me to totally just do it all for you and check in with what you can be releasing this full moon or any time, check out my reading options!


With loads of love, light and full moon releasing vibes,



Advice From Archangels Angel Spread x

Advice from Archangels x

A couple of weeks back I posted an Angel spread to help you connect with your Wingmen, and today we're taking it a little further and basically getting a whole heap of advice from a a bunch of Archangels in one go! YAY! 

This spread is perfect for when you want a general WTF is going on with my life kind of thing. A great daily, weekly or whenever it feels right spread.

This is not about getting your Archangels in a row - e.g pulling the Azrael card in the Release position, although it's been known to happen! This spread is just to help you connect with any Angels and Archangels to help you see what's going on for you in the moment. 

So go ahead and grab your Angel, Oracle or Tarot cards, pull out 7 cards and set them out as above!

Oh, and check out the video below for extra info!


How the Angels see you

Imagine you are zooming out of your life and looking down on yourself. Take a second here to see yourself how the Angels see you. They may want to remind you what you're doing well, give you a pat on the back, a huge hug or deliver a message about what you really need right now.


Michael - Life Purpose Stuff

Archangel Michael is great at clearing and protecting, but he's also pretty good at helping with life purpose and life path stuff. Here he's giving you a clue about what you need to know to make sure you're on the right path


Raphael - Healing

This card represents your healing journey. What needs to be healed? What does Archangel Raphael want to heal in your life? This can be related to any kind of healing that is taking place, or needs to be.

Healing professionals - this could also relate to your work! 


Ariel - Finances and Work

What does Archangel Ariel want you to know about your work and cash flow stuff? The messages here can highlight blocks but also give you some insights into ways to get your abundance is flowing. If you have pets they could show up here too. 


Uriel - Action

Archangel Uriel is all about that inner spark and he's here to encourage you to take action in your life. Uriel is also the dude for calling on if you need help with ideas. What idea do you have that wants to become a reality? What do you need to stop dreaming about and start doing? 


Azrael - Release

What do you need to release right now? A relationship, situation, mindset? This card is all about saying see ya later to this thing that no longer serves you to make room for other stuff that wants to come into your life. 


Gabriel - Self Expression

Archangel Gabriel wants you to know how to express yourself in the most authentically way possible. This card is all about creative pursuits and speaking your truth. What's inside you that needs to come out?


I would love to know if you found this spread useful! Comment below and/or make sure to share your pics of your spreads on Instagram! Hashtag #newagehipster so I can find you!


With love, light and Angel wings!



New Moon Manifesting Spread

Nothing is more fun than manifesting, especially when it works! Wheeee!

This spread is designed to help y'all with your manifesting on the New Moon, or you know, whenever you want really, but the new moon is super powerful for creating cool stuff! 

You can use this spread with whatever cards you have - Tarot, Angels, Oracles, whatevs! Or even double up and pull a couple of cards for each position! Crazy!

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x


This is where you're at right now, what's going on for you in this present moment. Recognise this energy and decide if it's useful for your manifesting stuff. Do you need to shift or change something?

I pulled the Emperor Reversed for this one this morning - I need to get organised in my physical space and get confident about my manifesting before I start!



This card will give you an idea of what mental shifts you could be making to help your manifestations come about, or new mental shifts you want to manifest!

I got Seven of Pents, time for me to shift up some of my thoughts about how hard I have to work in order to bring in enough money, and also to put out some intentions related to working hard enough to create abundance but not burning out. 



This is like a reminder of your gifts and abilities, your spiritual connection. It can also represent some new spiritual stuff to call into your life

I got Page of Cups which is like - use your creative powers to connect with your spirituality and to create more cool stuff (like this!) for New Age Hipster! 



Here's something you can totally manifest this new moon with a bit of help from the universe. This can come about in the next few weeks! YAY!

I got Ace of Pentacles - double yay. I'm taking this to mean stress less about cash flow and manifest the shiz out of it!



Basically you need help with this one. Ask people around you for a hand, or get connected with your spiritual team to really make this one happen. You can't do it alone, and you don't have to!

This could also be about a block you have with receiving this thing, so get that looked at. 

I got Ace of Cups - um triple yay! I probably need some help filling my cup up over the next few weeks, allow myself to take time off and just chill and fill (I suck at that so bad!). 



This is like the long term potential of what you're manifesting this new moon. What's possible over the next few moons, or even further ahead!

I pulled 9 of Pents and like OMG quadruple yay on that. A message that yes, I can be totally sorted with my money stuff and I can have some rose bushes and pet bird if I really want one. Which I probably don't, because the cat might not like it. Also, birds beaks freak me out.


I'd love to know how you find this spread so come find me on Facebook or hashtag #NewAgeHipster on Instagram so I can find you!


With love, light and killer new moon manifesting vibes!



Wingmen Angel Spread x

Wingmen Spread

Seems like everywhere you look people are posting Tarot Spreads, but where are all the Angel Spreads at guys?! 

Don't even worry your pretty little wings about it though, because starting today I'm going to do you a blog series with some fun ways to use your Angel cards! YAY! And if you need an Angel deck - check out my new video featuring my Top 5 Angel Decks

You can also use these spreads with tarot, any oracle deck, Happy Families or whatever. I also think it's totally fine to use Angel or oracle cards with most tarot spreads too, just as a side note, but if you're looking for spreads designed specifically to help you hang out with the Angels - welcome to New Age Hipster's Angel Spreads party! Whoohoo! 

If you have some stuff you really want to talk about with Angels just let me know in the comments, over on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and I might create a spread specifically for your issue! How awesome is that?!

So most of us are cool with the basic three card spread - past, present, and what I like to call the potential outcome, because you know, you can totally create your own future if you believe you can. This three card-er is a fun way to use a quick three card spread to get in touch with your favourite wingmen!

In this spread I've used Big Mike and Raph, because they are the two Angels I work with most right now, and also, they are seriously super helpful. You can switch this up to get some messages from any of your Angels, other Archangels, whatever you want to do with it! This is just a guideline guys! You can cast the cards in any order and read in any order too, but I'm going with middle as one, left for two and right for three

Here's one I made earlier... If you've got like, way too many Angel decks why not mix them up!? (this is Life Purpose Oracle, Goddess Guidance Oracle and Daily Guidance from your Angels all by Doreen Virtue. x

Here's one I made earlier... If you've got like, way too many Angel decks why not mix them up!? (this is Life Purpose Oracle, Goddess Guidance Oracle and Daily Guidance from your Angels all by Doreen Virtue. x

Card One - Message from yo'self

So this is like a message from yourself, from your higher self, or from the Angels who know you better than you know yourself. Woah!

This is kind of like- what you probably already know but need to be reminded about. Maybe it's something that you know you need to do or say but you haven't yet.

It could be a message about the stuff that you haven't yet totally acknowledged, something you need to work on within yourself. Personal development and all that jazz. 


Card Two - Message from Michael

Because this is a message from Big Mike, it can be about any or all of the following:

  • A protection message
  • A message about what needs to be cleared
  • A message about courage and how to move forward
  • A message about your life path
  • Anything else you associate AA Michael with! 

I love to see this as a clearing card, as it's in that past kind of position, but who knows what Michael is going to want you to know, be open to whatever he tells you!


Card Three - Message from Raphael

Raph is the healing Angel, so this card is going to be all about what needs to be healed in your life in some way including:

  • Emotional stuff to heal
  • Blocks that need clearing
  • Relationship stuff (romantic, family, friendships)
  • Messages about your chakras especially your third eye!


The best Angel cards to use with this spread are probably more general decks, but yes you can totally use Angel Tarot or Archangel cards too! No problemo if you pull the Archangel Raphael card in the Michael place, maybe it's a message about healing and clearing! Pull Archangel Ariel in the AA Raphael spot? No worries, could be a message about clearing some financial stuff?! I'll show you exactly how to do it all in the video below

If you are sharing your spreads on social media be sure to hashtag #NewAgeHipster so I can find you! I'd love to see how this spread works for you! And stay tuned for the next instalment of New Age Hipster Angel Spreads

Love, light and your favourite Angel deck,

