Valentine Spread for Singles, Lovers and In-betweens x

Valentine Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Ah Valentine's Day. It's a joy (sometimes!) when you've got someone, totally poop when you're feeling #foreveralone and it can be an absolute nightmare if you're somewhere in-between.

I created this spread to help y'all reconnect with that love in your heart, whether you are loved up, single, it's complicated or just focusing on doing you!

If you share your spread on Instagram please do tag me in your pics so I can drop by and say hi!


1. What/who's on your heart this V'Day?

This is not necessarily gonna be about a person! Anything could come up here from your work crush, project you're feeling called to work on, friendships, family, your pets or your own darn self!

2. What feelings need to be felt?

V-Day is a great time to feel your feelings. If you can't have a big cry, vent and freak out on Valentine's Day, when can you? Go for it, purge that shizzle and see what comes up for healing and releasing.

3. Old loves to leave behind

You guys have seen that Valentine's Day episode of Friends right? Where the girls have an ex-boyfriend bonfire? This card is kinda like that.

4. How to love yourself better

Valentine's Day can bring up a lot, in particular it can show us where we're not loving ourselves enough.

5. How to love others harder

And it's also a great time to check in with how good we're loving the people around us. 

6. New loves to call in

If you're feeling witchy, choose this card face up and add it to your spread, otherwise this card can show you where to call new love into your life, again this may not represent romantic love, but love of any kind!


Valentine's Day blessings to you gorgeous soul!

Love and light,




Dig this spread? Then be sure to check out my free e-book:

Tarot Spreads You Can't Live without!

New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 1 | Hi + welcome + a mantra for when you feel stuck x

New Age Hipster Radio Ep1

Launching the New Age Hipster Radio Podcast! :O OMG!

Guys, I am so freaking excited to be launching the podcast, New Age Hipster Radio, which has been incubating in my heart and mind for a reaaaally loonnnng time!

The first episode is a ramble I recorded while sitting on my couch and slinging a few cards. I chat about feeling stuck, #Lightworker problems, manifesting, purpose and tarot decks.

It's a little rough around the edges, but firsts always are!

I'm not sure exactly where this podcast is heading, but I hope it's interesting and useful to someone, and I'd love to hear from you if it is, and also I'd love to hear from you what you'd like to hear future episodes on too!

Happy listening loves!

With love and light,




Comfort + Support Tarot and/or Oracle Spread

Comfort + Support Tarot Spread

After a rough week of ups and downs (#ScorpioSeason) I've been feeling pretty raw. I wanted to check in with my deck, but the last thing I needed was a cosmic butt kicking. I was not in any state to look at my potential future, do any shadow work or be hit with any hard uncomfortable truths

And if you find yourself in that place sometimes, I feel you babe! It's totally OK to feel like that sometimes!

Working with the Tarot or Oracle cards doesn't always have to be about growth and learning and moving through your "stuff". Your deck can also be a tool for self care!

I Googled for ages trying to find a spread that would just offer me support + comfort with zero pressure. I couldn't find one, so I made one. :)

This spread can be used anytime you are feeling raw, low, anxious, stressed or depressed. Whenever you need a hug from your deck.

Depending on how hard you're finding things, you may want to also choose your deck carefully, or you can always pull out any cards you find a little triggering before you do your reading. Because, it's totally OK to do that if that's what you need to do.

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

How you're gonna feel after you've done this spread... x

1. Roots - what grounds you

This card can help you see how to ground back into your body, into yourself, into where you are.

2. Support from your guides

If you have a specific guide, angel or passed over loved one you want to work with, you can go ahead and ask them for a message here, or just ask your guides in general.

3. Support from the Divine Masculine

Again, if you have a deity or energy you like to work with, you can call on them by name, or you can just ask for a message from the protective and strong Divine Masculine energy that's with you.

4. Support from the Divine Feminine

I would personally go for a message here from Mother Mary, as she's so good to call on when you're in this kind of energy, but you can call on anyone that feels right, or just ask for a general message from the loving and compassionate Divine Feminine energy.

5. Support from your higher self

Your Higher Self knows just what you need, check in with him/her here.

6. Action to take now

Depending on how you're feeling you can always skip these next two cards, sometimes we just aren't in a place to think about taking action. But this card can give you some insight into what you can do in this moment. It may be as simple as making tea, resting, calling a friend etc.

7. Action to take to help move you through

Here you'll get some insight into how to move through this current energy. Again, feel free to skip this card if you really can't even think about doing that just yet.

8. Continued Self-Care

And this final card holds a message for you on how you can care for yourself in the moment, but also make sure that you are continuing to look after yourself even once you've come out the other side.


If you dig this reading you might like to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads you Can't Live Without!

And if you share your reading on Instagram, please tag me in your pics so I can send you some love. 

With so much love, light, comfort + support



Uncle Jessie

New Moon Magic Spread for Tarot or Oracle

New Moon Magic Tarot Spread

I just love those new moon vibes! And one of my fave ways to connect with the energy of the new moon is through a bit of card slinging!

So light your candles, grab your decks (you can use tarot, oracle, New Age Hipster InstaOracle or whatever you have to hand!) and let's make some magic!

Oh, and check out the New Moon Manifesting spread too if you like! 

New Moon Tarot Spread with the Spirit Speak Tarot

1. How to ground your magic

This card will give you some insight into how to ground your energy, ground into who you are and what you really want. Basically, it's about getting yourself in the right space to make magic!

2. What to clear to make way for the new

Before you start calling in the new, it's always good to identify what old wood needs to be cut away, what space needs to be cleared and what no longer serves you.

3. How to connect to your power this new moon

Making magic works best when we can feel confident and worthy! This card will give you some insight into how to stand in your power so you can make your magic powerful!

4. Magic to make

Sometimes we already know exactly what we want to create and call in and just need a confirmation, sometimes we need a hand knowing where to direct our magic.

If there's something you really want to call in, you can go through the deck and find a card that represents what you want to call in and place it in this position face up!

5. How to surrender  + trust

Now that your magic is made, this card will give you some wisdom on how you can surrender and trust that your magic will be made in accordance with your best and highest good


If you dig this spread you might wanna check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You can't Live Without!

And if you share your pics on Instagram, please tag me so I can come say hi and check out your readings! :)

With love, light and new moon blessings!



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle

Daredevil Tarot + Oracle Spread to connect you to your divine mission

Daredevil Tarot Spread to connect with your divine mission x

I've been on a bit of a Marvel binge lately, and I gotta admit, Daredevil is my current fave (sorry Danny Rand)!

I feel like there are many parallels between Matt Murdock's story and being a witchy woo woo lightworker on a divine mission.

Like, obvs, us lightworkers and shadow workers (or whatever you like to call yourself) don't usually go out at night beating up creeps (or at least, we probably shouldn't), but the basic gist of going undercover to help the world out is kinda in the same vein.

So grab your Tarot, oracle, New Age Hipster InstaOracle or whatever cards you have lying around and get ready to tune into your own mission!


CARD ONE: The faith that grounds you

A big part of Matt's dealio is that he's a Catholic. That means no killing, and drinking lots of whiskey.

What are the unshakeable beliefs that ground you into who you are?

CARD TWO: Your current mission

What is your divine mission of the moment? This card may show you the big picture or the details you need to know for the now.

CARD THREE: What challenges you

Matt Murdock is blind, which is a pretty big challenge, although it's also the thing that actually makes him Daredevil.

What is your challenge to overcome right now?

CARD FOUR: What your mask hides

Matt wears his mask so he can do work his mission in secret. Why are you wearing yours? What does it hide?

CARD FIVE: The truth of who you really are

Who are you really? When you take that mask off when you get home after a big night out working your mission, who are you?

CARD SIX: How to fulfil your mission

Matt gets confused sometimes about how best to help. Is it through the law? Or smacking people with sticks? It's super confusing sometimes. This card will help you to see the best way to fulfil your mission.


Tag me in your pics on Instagram if you share your reading so I can come say hi! :D

With love, light and fulfilling divine missions,




PS- If you dig this spread be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can't Live Without! :O

A weekend in Glastonbury

A weekend in Glastonbury x

You've probably heard of Glastonbury, maybe you've even been on your own spiritual pilgrimage! 

Maybe you're like WHAT IS IT?

Glastonbury is a super magical place, it's known for all sorts of magic. It's said to be the Isle of Avalon, the place where King Arthur and Guinevere used to hang out, and are allegedly buried. Glastonbury is said to be the birthplace of Christianity in the west, the home of the Holy Grail and there are also tales of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea visiting the Isle Avalon in during Jesus's lost years.

Whatever you do or don't resonate with, Glastonbury is a pretty magical and powerful place, full of mysteries. Me and the BF decided to go see if we could work some of them out.

I'd been to Glastonbury in passing a few years ago, but this was the first time I'd have a chance for a really good potter around. We were only in town for one night and we chose a leisurely weekend over running around trying to do all the things. There is loads more to see than what we did, and if you are coming for a visit and want to see all of it, I'd recommend staying for maybe three nights, or even more, depending on how much time you want to spend.

K, so are you ready to come with me to Glastonbury?? :D

I love a good road trip, and no road trip is as cool as one that LITERALLY drives past Stonehenge! :O

If you watched that, you could probs tell I was a bit excited. We didn't pop in as we'd been pretty recently, but isn't it lovely to drive past? :D

We were super hungry when we arrived, but as soon as we got out the car we saw this! :O

Wytches' Market Glastonbury

Very cool. I mean, we don't even have a crystal shop where I live, let alone something this cool! Glastonbury is definitely the Mecca of Witchy Woo in the UK.

So then we went to find food and we found the Rainbow's End cafe which is veggie and voted number 1 for food on Trip Advisor.

Rainbow's End Cafe Glastonbury

It did not disappoint! The plate was basically overflowing and probably could have fed three people. I had a roasted veggie and stilton crumble, garlic potatoes, Greek salad and potato salad! OMG it was soooo good but I was pretty stuffed afterwards!

So we decided to walk it off and go up the Tor!

Glastonbury Tor

The BF wanted to go up the quick steep way but I'm actually kind of lazy, so I suggested we go up the longer but less steep way, it wasn't actually that steep in the end.

Glastonbury Tor

It was a pretty grey day and we were thinking it was about to rain the whole time, but it didn't! Hoorah!

The Tor is an interesting place with an incredible history (Google it!). It has a strong powerful masculine and air energy (or was it just super windy?).

I sat and meditated for a few minutes and I just felt majorly grounded, like nothing, no one was going to be able to knock me down.

Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury Tor

The view from the Tor is glorious!

Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury Tor

One of my favourite traditions in this part of the world is giving offerings in the form of ribbons on trees.

There are all sorts of reasons this is done; an offering to the spirits of the trees, the Fae, the Gods, the land, the ancestors, a prayer, a wish. I added my ribbon, said a few words and then we trudged back down the country lanes back into town.

Glastonbury Tor
Starchild Glastonbury

You can't go to Glastonbury without popping into the Starchild Glastonbury shop.

It's like an olde worlde apothecary full of oils, herbs and magical tools. I picked up a White Poplar Tree Perfume, a bottle of the Chalice Space Aroma (I adore their space aromas!!) and a frothy white and pink candle. 

Time sure flies when you're shopping for magical goodies, and before we knew it, it was time for dinner.

We strolled around the town looking for a place for a drink and ended up in the George and Pilgrim which is probably one of the most legit English pubs I've ever been in.

Glastonbury alley

We went out for a fancy pizza and beer at the local Italian place GiGis.

It was was like being in a 1980's time warp and suited me just fine thanks very much!

Labyrinth books Glastonbury

Book shopping before breakfast?! And the whole book shop is full of spiritual books? This is my kind of weekend away! :D

Labyrinth Books is awesomesauce.


And the Hundred Monekys cafe literally has awesomesauce (organic brown sauce!).

We grabbed the veggie breakfast, but they also have vegan options too. In fact the whole of Glastonbury is fairly accommodating for veggies and vegans which always makes life a little easier when weekending away!

Speaking Tree Glastonbury

Book shopping straight after breakfast? I could get used to this! :D

Speaking Tree Books Glastonbury

If you check out Speaking Tree Books don't miss the second floor! It's chock full of spiritual books too!

Chalice Well Glastonbury

We decided to spend Sunday morning at the Chalice Well Gardens, and it was life. 

Chalice Well Glastonbury

Peeps have been coming to this well for it's healing properties for thousands of years...

Chalice Well Glastonbury

The energy of the divine mother is strong here.

The whole time I was there I felt so held, safe and strong and loved. It was Like a powerful peace washing over me.

Glastonbury Chalice Well
Chalice Well Glastonbury

I filled two bottles to take home and use for magic making, potions, ritual baths and it does great things to my crystals too!

Sadly we had to get back on the road and head home, but with my heart full of divine love and my pockets full of crystals I know I'm never far from Glastonbury or the energy that runs through it's streets and hills in this magical place.

With so much love and light,



For more info on the goodies I picked up, check out my Glastonbury faves vid below!

Gurus, Spiritual Teachers + How to find your own way on the Spiritual Path

gurus, spiritual teachers + how to find your own way on the spiritual path x

The following post (with a couple edits) was originally part of a newsletter sent out on 27th August 2017. It had such a big response I thought I'd post it as a blog for y'all. x


The news in India of riots and people being killed in the streets over the arrest of a guru has shone a massive light on the whole guru thing this week. My heart really goes out to all those affected, but I can't help but look at all this and just wonder where we're going so wrong.

The internet is ablaze again this week over the news that Doreen Virtue is giving up Tarot and predictive readings, taking her name off her Angel Tarot decks and moving even closer to her Christian path.

This has brought up a lot for people, and we are holding space in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop for anyone who feels that they need to talk about what all this is bringing up for them with no judgement from either side. However you are feeling about all this is totally valid and important for you to express and move through, but I have been asking people to share from a place of what this is bringing up for them personally, rather than making assumptions about DV, her path, work and publisher, because even though we feel like we know her, we really have no idea what is really going on and speculation doesn't really help us to move through it.

As you may know, I've been a big fan of hers for years, but I honestly, personally don't give a hoot if she burns all her decks in a Christian ritual on top of a hill and gives her life to Jesus or not. (I did that once myself but it's a story for another time).

I really just wanted to talk in this blog post about the whole "guru" thing and how it's failing us, and how we are failing ourselves by looking up to peeps to be our gurus and what we can do instead.

I've actually unfollowed a few people on Instagram recently after I have had in-person encounters with them that left me reeling, feeling that who they are behind the Instagram is actually not in alignment with what they teach + preach online.

We are all very human and we can't put someone on a pedestal just because they have a book deal and we don't.

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

I have people message me sometimes saying that I'm their "spiritual teacher" and while that's incredibly flattering it also freaks me out! LOL!

Because I'm just another person on the path really. If anything, I prefer to see myself as a kind of "bridge".

My job is to help you to get from over there to over here, more aligned on your path, more connected to your own guidance.

That's what a spiritual teacher is really supposed to do for us I think, just help us find our own way. 

When we put so much pressure on one person, or a group of people, to have all the answers for us, to do the work for us, or to always be on the same path as us, things get dangerous.

We are all on our own journey and what I share with you guys is just where I'm at with mine.

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

If we'd met 20 years ago I would have been dragging you along with me to my fave mega church, another few years before that I would've been asking you to join my Wicca based high school coven!

My journey is going to change, just like yours is.

You always have the choice to keep following my journey or not. 

The choice is yours.


When we are looking for spiritual info there are some things we can do to help us be discerning about someone else's story and teachings to help us find our own path.


And as always, even this list might not totally resonate with you! Take what does, leave the rest. :D

1. Follow people who say "take what resonates and leave the rest".


2. Avoid people who have any sort of vibe that their way is the "right" way and other ways are "wrong".

Dogma is so old paradigm.

3. Read and research

whatever you're into, read loads of different books by different authors, watch videos on YouTube, listen to Podcasts etc. Cast your net for teachings wide.

4. Work with your own energy first and foremost.

When we protect (check out my free e-book for that!), clear and ground ourselves it's much easier to tune into our own intuition and guidance. (Woo Woo 101 starts soooon!)

5. Remember that your spiritual teachers are just as human as you. 

A book deal doesn't make you more enlightened and a whole lot of followers doesn't mean you're more connected to the universe.

6. Unfollow and let go of whatever doesn't vibe with you, or no longer vibes.

We are never going to resonate with anyone 100% but if you no longer find someone's content useful or interesting or empowering in anyway, you can just hit unfollow and move on.


My work is moving more and more into a direction of helping you find the answers for yourself

I reaaaaally want to help you do the work that's going to help you find your own path. I'm not interested in you doing things "my way", I just want you to find the right way for you.

You can work with me via a spiritual mentoring session and I'll hold space for you and help you find your own connection to your own guidance. Come join the SPJ group or keep hanging out for free content, but whatever you do, just do what feels right for you. 


With love, light and going your own way,



Spiritual Teaching

Thoughts on the Burning Times + Persecution in the Spiritual Community

Thoughts on the Burning Times + Persecution in the Spiritual Community x

So, I got called a witch burner.

A couple of times actually.

I wrote a post recently about my thoughts and experience on being a Christian Witch. A lot of people really dug it. Some people didn't.

And that's totally cool. I think it's really important for us to hold space for people who think and feel differently from what we do.

But being called a witch burner definitely brought up a lot of stuff for me.

I spent a bit of time in my late teens in the church. I sang in the worship team and I was slain in the spirit and my friends spoke tongues at me in the car park. 

I was pretty gutted I never got the gift of tongues. I did receive the gift of prophecy though. I bet my friends at bible camp didn't think this is where I'd end up with it though.

It was pretty cool times.

I noticed pretty swiftly however, how freaked out and pissed off people were when I told them I had become born again in Christ.

People stopped talking to me, people tried to convince me I was brainwashed. People were just generally really nasty about my choices.

One time a man even yelled at me in Tesco because I was wearing a crucifix. 

People always ask me, "what's it like to come out of the spiritual closet?", and I gotta tell you, it was a heck of a lot easier, in my experience (it's different for all of us of course) to come out as a professional tarot reader than it ever was to tell people I was a born again Christian.

Since coming out as a Christian Witch (just one of many labels I use, I also dig lightworker, starseed and Hufflepuff) it's really highlighted just how much we still persecute each other in the spiritual community.

#giphy x

#giphy x

I mean I've literally had people call me a witch burner. 

I've been told not to call myself a Christian Witch because I'll lose followers.

I had someone I really looked up to in the community totally shut me down after seeing my post.

With all the accusations and finger pointing going on I started to feel like I was actually about to be burned at the stake myself.

There is a lot of persecution in the spiritual community.

For years I've never felt like I belonged anywhere in the community. I was too witchy for the Christians, too love and light for the tarot community, too much of a Jesus freak for the witchy circles.

It was the main reason I started my group Spiritual Journey Pitstop on Facebook (which you are so, so welcome to join!) and opened the doors for people of all belief systems to share their paths free from judgement

There is a lot of finger pointing in the community and I wonder when it's going to stop. 

When are we going to realise that the finger pointers were to blame along with the witch burners?

The burning times were totally messed up.

Also, many "witches" weren't burned either. I'm just using the term "burning times" because y'all know what I mean. But there were many other horrendous ways people were killed.



But I think we've become so focused on the "witch" in witch burning that we've forgotten what the burning times were actually about.

Many of those who were burned were not even witches.

We must remember that these were frightening times, and the choice was often to name someone as a witch or die yourself.

So the finger pointing began. 

We can't deny that the burning times were a result of using religion to control the people and some men of the time in power not being able to deal with the divine feminine and women in general but I think sometimes we put so much blame on those in power and deny what was happening in the community.

Sisters, mothers, best friends were pointing the finger and offering each other up.

And I wonder when we're going to stop pointing the finger.

I've done it too of course. I am not a perfect person. I've judged and assumed and accused.

And I think we need to have compassion for those who've been finger pointing. It usually always comes from a place of fear.

But it feels like time we stopped throwing each other in the fire.

To truly clear and heal the karma of the burning times we don't need to bring down Christianity, or Christians or those who identify as Christian Witches, we need to stop pointing fingers, and stop throwing each other in the fire.

There is finger pointing of all kinds going on in the spiritual community.

I've been called out dozens of times for spiritual bypassing, being too love and light, not doing any shadow work, not being spiritual enough, not going deep enough, not owning enough dark tarot decks, not using my platform to post about politics, not reading tarot "the right way" (like there is one), not talking about enough big heavy stuff on my blog and now, also being called a witch burner.

And all this from other people in the spiritual community who don't know anything about me.

Not from my Christian friends who've known me since high school. Not from my Muslim friends. Not from my atheist friends. From other people in the spiritual community.

And then we look outside the community at the world around us and we see horrific things happening and yet we still point fingers at each other. You're not political enough. Why aren't you talking about this?

And yes, being political and talking about big important stuff is important AF.

But if you're not talking about it, that's OK too.

If you're a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Witch, or a Christian Witch or if you don't even have a clue how to begin labelling yourself, that's OK too.

We have all, all of us, every religion, every belief system, we have all been persecuted. We have all been killed for our beliefs. 

And often times we've been killed for our perceived beliefs.

Many of those executed were not witches at all. Why do we never talk of them?

Witches often feel as if they own the burning times, and we do, but not alone.

All of you who have ever been persecuted, all of you who have been killed or harmed or hurt because someone pointed the finger or called you out, for truth or lies, it's all of us who own the burning times, and all of us who are here to heal the karma of it.

and we clear that karma when we stop turning on each other and start working together.



Just visualise with me for a moment. We're back in the burning times and instead of pointing the finger we did a quick whip around of everyone in the villages and gathered a huge group of people all standing together. Men, women, Christians, followers of the old ways, all walking towards the gallows and the stakes and dismantling them. Gracefully throwing the power crazed leaders out of the court houses and town halls and replacing them with people in the community who were well respected and wise.

We move forward when we decide to hold hands with the Christian Witch next door instead of pointing the finger and throwing her in the gallows.

If this is triggering for you, I get it. Christianity is something many people find triggering for all sorts of reasons, and if you've been affected by Christianity in a negative way I send you so much love, light and healing.

But please know that my brand of magic and faith is aligned in love and compassion and kindness and contrary to popular belief, I am definitely not a witch burner

With so much love, light and healing,



Clueless Tarot + or Oracle Spread

Clueless Tarot Spread New Age Hipster x

The other day I had big plans to sit down and watch Twilight with a massive bowl of popcorn slathered in butter but Netflix had taken it down! Why??

So I hit the teen movies section and watched Clueless for like, the 50th time or something. OMG it never loses it's edge. In fact, it's  a movie that may even be getting better with age. It did make me pretty nostalgic for the 90's though. 

So grab your deck of cards (any cards you have will work!) and your favourite plaid outfit and let's get clued up!


1. What are you being totally clueless about right now?

We all have the ability to be a little bit Cher-like. Where are you being clueless in your life?

2. What are you cluing into?

What are you starting to get? What are you learning? What's finally making sense?

3. Where are you ignoring your intuition and guidance?

We all ignore our own guidance sometimes, what are you ignoring right now?

4. What's right in front of you that you're not seeing?

This is like when Cher realises she likes Josh. What is the Josh to your Cher? 


If you wanna share your spread on Instagram please tag me in the photo or story so I can find you! :D

And if you're still feeling a little clueless or just want some help working through some stuff, check out my shop for all my readings + offerings.

With so much love, light and over-the-knee socks,



Dreamweaver Dream Interpretation Spread for Tarot and/or Oracle cards x

Dreamweaver Dream Interpretation Spread for Tarot and/or Oracle Spread x

K, hands up who's been having some super funky dreams lately? Me! I have!

So has Seinfeld! Also, when the actual eff is Seinfeld coming to Netflix already??

Seinfeld strange dreams

I had a real corker of a dream the other night, you know those ones where you wake up and you kind of feel like it really happened?

And then you kinda know that there were some big messages and important insights in that dream but you pretty much have no idea WTF they are?

Yep. Totally right?

So I made this spread for when that happens.

So grab a deck and hit play on the video below for your soundtrack. :D

1. Dreamseed: what seeded this dream?

So this is like the foundation of the dream, what seeded it, what's been going on for you that may have been the the starting point for this kind of dream to turn up in your life.

2. Who or what sent this dream?

If you're into the idea of angels or guides or galactic forces of some kind delivering dreams to you in the night, this card may help you to work out exactly who or what energy has sent this to you. It may just be that your subconscious or fears or someone or something in your waking life sent it too.

3. What is the subconscious up to?

The subconscious can be doing all sorts of things we aren't usually all that aware of. Uh, obvs. This card can help you to understand what your subconscious is really up to

4. What is this dream trying to communicate to me?

Here you'll find some clarity around the message of the dream for you.

5. What do I do with this experience and knowledge?

It can be tricky sometimes to understand what we're meant to do with this kind of full on experience. This card will help you figure it out.

6. What am I supposed to learn/know from this?

Here you should find a clear(ish) message about what you are supposed to have learned or understood from this dream

7. How can I bring this understanding into my waking life?

And here you'll find some info about how to integrate what you've learned about this dream into your regular waking life.

Strange dreams x

So how was that for you? I hope this spread helps you to find some clarity around your dreams. You may want to pull more cards for each position, use more than one deck and/or also include some journalling in your process for extra clarity.


If you're looking for more spreads to play with head to the Start Here page!

And be sure to share your spreads with me on Instagram! Tag me in your posts so I can find you and maybe even help you out if you're stuck, and feel free to share this spread with your friends who are also having freaky dreams too! :)

If you're really stuck and can't shake your freaky AF dreams you can grab a session with me here.


With love, light and sweet dreams,

