
Pop Culture Spirit Guides

Pop Culture Spirit Guides, Falcor, New Age Hipster x

Connecting with your spirit guides can be kind of tricky, especially at first.

But actually, even when you've been hanging out with your guides for ages, the thought often does pop in: "what actually are spirit guides?"

I do spirit guide readings + I also help peeps meet and connect and hang out with their guides over at Woo Woo School, and the awesomeness that comes through for people is so varied!

There is a kind of "general consensus" that a spirit guide is the spirit of someone who's had a human life, usually a spiritual life of some kind, and they are with you now, guiding and supporting your journey from the other side.

I personally believe there is no one definition for "spirit Guides".

I have seen spirit guides come through for people in so many different forms.

Many spirit guides working with folks are passed over loved ones, people they've known and loved in past lives, sometimes they are twin flame kind of energies, sometimes they come through as past life versions of you, Galactic Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and yes, even characters from pop culture.

A spirit guide is spirit energy, which means that they can show themselves to you in the way that you most need to see them, and are able to understand them.

Jesus and Mother Mary, or He-Man and She-Ra? x

Jesus and Mother Mary, or He-Man and She-Ra? x

And there is no reason at all your guides and Angels can't appear to you as characters from pop culture.

The whole point is to help us to understand and connect with them and their energy.

Your guides may appear to you as pop culture peeps, or you can actively choose to work with them, just like we head over to Doreen V's website to choose an Angel to work with, you can do the same with Pop Culture Spirit Guides! :o

If you feel like you need some energy you see in a character on telly, go ahead and call that energy in!

Some of my fave pop culture spirit guides to call on are:



To me She-Ra is an aspect of Goddess energy. She's the divine feminine dressed to rock out

Just like the Celtic Goddesses of like, forever ago, She-Ra is the 80's version of Goddess power, which I think we could all use a little of right now!

Call on her and connect with your own inner-She-Ra Power! And if you wanna connect deeper, check out the She-Ra spread!



If She-Ra is the divine feminine, He-Man is totally the divine masculine.

If you're feeling like you could use a little boost to your inner strength or need some protection vibes around you, he's your guy. I see him as really similar to Archangel Michael energy, but more swoll.



Falcor has been with me for a while now. I sometimes feel him curled up around me during meditation and when I'm about to fall asleep. Some people think Falcor is creepy, but I think he's adorable, and he always makes me laugh! His energy is protective, but soft and gentle.

Call him in when you need a good night's sleep or fancy a midnight joy ride!

Need a ride? Call Falcor! x

Need a ride? Call Falcor! x


I freaking love the Labyrinth. It's full of spirit guide energy!

Hoggle is such a great spirit guide. He's definitely not a totally perfect dude in the movie, but as a spirit guide he's all positive traits - loyal, helpful and would do just about anything to get you over the Bog of Eternal Stench.

If you could use a true friend, he's the guy to call on.


Ferris Bueller

If you're suffering from a lack of confidence, call on Ferris Bueller to help you get cracking on those dreams! He's a buzzy, high vibe energy and never spares a thought for old beliefs or thought patterns of "I'm not good enough". Pah, who's got time for that? BORING! 

He believes in himself, and he believes that life is there for the taking. Call on him if you need a little of that!

Need a little confidence boost? This guy has no probs in that department! x

Need a little confidence boost? This guy has no probs in that department! x

If you want to learn more about connecting to your own spirit guides check out Woo Woo School or grab a reading and we can find out who's with you together.

With so much love, light and super fun ways to connect with your guidance,



The Secret to connecting with your guidance + intuition

The secret to connecting with your guidance and intuition x

There is so much info out in the world right now about how to connect with your intuition, your higher self, your spirit guides and angels. And a lot of it is seriously awesomesauce... 

But what if all those meet your guides and third eye meditations just don't seem to work for you? 

I tried all those things for a long time and didn't really get that far with them. I did have awesome moments of clarity, feelings of being absolutely guided in a certain direction and some major epiphanies, but these were pretty few and far between.

So how did I get from floundering around the spiritual realms to running a spiritual biz, being able to clairvoyantly see people's past lives and spirit guides?

I started working with my own energy.

I'd been working in a pretty challenging job situation with a lot of negativity and other people's energy flying out in a gazillion directions for quite a few years and it was making me miserable.

When I began to understand that I was a HSP or an Empath and was picking up on and absorbing everything around me, everything changed.

Energy centred = guidance flowing! (The beach helps too) x

Energy centred = guidance flowing! (The beach helps too) x

Being conscious of what was mine and what was not mine was MEGA. It's like carrying around a massive bag on your back for years and then one day actually noticing what's in that bag and realising it's not even your stuff!

Sidenote: I actually think we are all empaths. Some of us numb it or ignore it, some of us embrace it. No path is "right", only what is right for you and your journey.

Energetic protection has been my rock on my spiritual path. Protecting my energy so I wasn't taking on "stuff" from all over started to make it really clear what was actually mine.

I began working with my own energy in different ways - protecting, clearing (because sometimes you do take on stuff, even when you're super protected), grounding, hanging out with the chakra system.

And then guess what happened? Yep, that third eye just freaking opened and My guides and angels just started popping in for tea.

I didn't have to do anything. Of course, I'm still human. I still have times when I struggle to connect, to know what to do next, or work out which path to take, but when this happens, I go back to basics.


If you want to find out more about how to protect your energy check my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny for loads of tips and tricks I live by.

And if you want to really get super connected and plugged into your light check out my e-course Woo Woo 101 which takes you through the energy basics, the chakras, intuition, spirit guides and drops you off at the end in the Angelic Realms. Enrol here if it calls you!

With so much love, light and awesome God WIFIs,



Protection, Fear + Judgement

Protection, Fear + Judgement by Vix at New Age Hipster x

Do you actually need to protect your energy? Or does thinking you need to protect yourself just breed fear? 

Whatever your answer is to this question is totally fine with me, and as always, you are so welcome to agree or disagree with any of what I'm about to say.

I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong, what to do or not do. I think we all find different ways to work with our own energy that works for us.

I'm just here offering up some of my own thoughts in the hopes that if you feel confused about protecting yourself, or if you even need to do it you may find this post helpful.


What is protection? 

Protecting my energy is about preventing me from picking up on everyone else's stuff, negative energies, entities or whatever else is out there. 

I resonate as an Empath, which means I feel like a bit of an energy sponge. I pick up on other people's energy and when I don't protect myself being around others (no matter how shiny they are), hanging out in certain places or even hanging out on social media can exhaust the heck out of me. 

Learning how to protect my energy put a pep back in my step and helped me to get out of my own pits of doom and gloom because I began to identify the real cause of my moodiness and tiredness. Most of the time it just wasn't even my stuff. Sometimes it is my stuff, but your own stuff is so much lighter to carry around all day than a whole busload of energetic backpacks.

Protecting my energy honestly turned my whole life around. When I stopped letting other stuff get to me I had more time, energy and my intuition was better.


What's with the whole protection/fear thing?

Some folks have this idea that protection is fear based and that peeps who use protection are scared of negative energy. It's suggested that having the belief that negativity can harm you and then protecting yourself from that actually enhances these beliefs and fear.

The idea here is that if you have the belief you need to be protected you are living in fear.

If that's what you resonate with, awesome.

But it can be dangerous to assume that everyone who uses protection tools as part of their daily spiritual practice is living in fear.

In fact, it can be dangerous to assume anything about anyone else's spiritual practice and beliefs at all. 


If this is what energy protection looks like, I'm all for it! :D

If this is what energy protection looks like, I'm all for it! :D

Can you protect yourself without getting into fear? 

Heck yeah! Protecting my energy is no more fear based than locking the door at night or taking an umbrella out in the rain.

I don't live in fear of intruders in my house. I'm pretty sure you aren't even covered by insurance if you don't lock your door at night. 

And I definitely don't look out at the rain and get into fear about it. I just think - oh, better take an umbrella. 

For most people who protect their energy this is what it's like. It's like getting in the car and putting on a seat belt. Wearing sunglasses when it's bright out, taking a coat out with you in winter to protect you from the elements.

If you don't want to get pregnant you use contraception right? If you don't want to pick up energetic stuff on the tube, get your energy condom on. 


Can protection put you in fear?

Yes. It is totally possible to get way too caught in protecting your energy that it makes you freak out.

If you're unable to leave the house without your black onyx you may want to have a look into what's going on there.

If you are feeling freaked out about energies around you have a chat with someone, get a reading, or come hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group for some support

If you feel fine when you don't protect your energy, but feel fear creep in when you do, then maybe protecting yourself energetically isn't something you need to do right now.

If you suffer from anxiety you may find it's difficult to protect your energy without letting a whole bunch of fear based thoughts in. Do what you need to do, see your doctor, a therapist or whatever feels right for you.


Why does this divide the community? 

Most people I've met in the new age and spiritual communities are so loving and kind and supportive and respectful, but then there are some topics that divide us, and this seems to be one of them. 

There is no right or wrong to the protection debate. Just different strokes for different folks. 

If you feel good protecting your energy like I do, then carry on doing it. If it doesn't vibe with you, that's cool too!


If you're looking for practical tips on how to protect your energy you can download my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny or come and join me at Woo Woo School for an energy intensive! :D

With so much love and light,



When spirit guides go quiet

when spirit guides go quiet new age hipster blog

Sometimes your spirit guides go quiet.

You're doing all the right things; meditation, journalling, sleeping (you know, in case they contact you in your sleep), but nada. Zip. 

You can start to feel like you've lost your magic, you've lost your team and that you're suddenly all alone in the world.

Well, you're not. But I know that doesn't really help when you feel like you are.

So here's some thoughts on what's going on and what you can when your guides go quiet.


Why do guides go quiet?

I did a reading recently for a beautiful soul who was wondering why her guides were quiet. It turned out a big reason her guides had gone quiet was because she was in a major transition in her life. Now you'd expect your guides to be louder than ever, leading you through, but was actually happening for her was that her guides were also in transition. Many of her old guides were transitioning into new roles, preparing to incarnate and moving on in their own journeys. Their work had been done and now it was time to train up some new guides who'd be the brand new energies to take her through the next chapter in her life. 

I think this is happening for many of us right now. We've come a long way, and some of the guides who have led us to where we are now have completed their tasks and are now onto bigger and better things. And so are you. 

Sometimes guides go quiet to let you work things out for yourself.

Many times when faced with a decision we call on our guidance and get really clear answers. Sometimes we don't, but it's not because they aren't helping you, it's because there's more for you to learn and more growth for you to do by working things out on your own at times. They still have your back and are there to catch you if you fall, but remember:

your spirit guides are just here to guide you, not to make all your decisions and live your life for you.


Sometimes it's not them it's you.

If you're struggling to hear your guides take a look at what you're doing to hear them. Are you making sure you have quiet time? Are you meditating and journalling? Are you actually calling on them and asking for help? So many times people are like OMG can't hear my guides, and I'm like, well are you asking them questions? And the person's face goes o_O 

I do it all the time. Honestly. I always forget to ask for help. I even had to put up a card on my wall to bloody well remind me to ask for answers and to ask for help. 

It's easier to get help and answers when you ask.

ask for help spirit guides and angels new age hipster


What you can do about it

When the guides you usually connect with go quiet it's a great opportunity to connect with someone else.

Whether it's calling on your Guardian Angel, The Fae, Jesus, Ganesha, the Goddess, or any other divine being or deity. It can be a great chance to connect with some energies you wouldn't have otherwise

Also it's a really great opportunity to connect with your own self. 

Working with spirit guides is very much about connecting with other beings to help you, but what if you looked within and started trusting your own self even more?

Perhaps that's the real reason spirit guides go quiet is because they want you to connect with your own intuition, higher self and your own soul. 


If you would like to meet, reconnect or connect even deeper with your spirit guide/s check out The Spirit Guide Reading! :D

With so much love and light!



What is a lightworker?

What is a lightworker?

Last week one of the #highvibejuly instachallenge prompts was #lightworker.

So many people were like "I don't know if I am one", or "I had to Google Lightworker" and so I thought I'd pop down some of my personal thoughts on what a Lightworker is, just to help y'all out if you have nfi what one is, or whatever.

First of all, I just wanna preface this post by saying that if you don't resonate with the term "lightworker", no problemo. Some people like it, some people don't. No biggie. 

Personally I like it, and so I use it. That is in no way any disrespect to those who call themselves shadow workers, duality workers, or people who just effing hate labels full stop.

I have seen a lot of hating online towards those who call themselves Lightworkers because there is this idea that we're ignoring our shadow, ignoring the darkness and just dancing around in sequins and pigtails throwing glitter at everything. Which, although sounds kind of wonderful in a way, is not exactly what it's about. For me anyway...


What is the definition of "lightworker"?

We all have different definitions, and yours may not be the same as mine. Just like when someone calls themselves "spiritual" it has like a bajillion different meanings to everyone.

A lightworker is just anyone who wants to make a difference and wants to make the world better.

Being a lightworker is about helping others, helping the planet and basically being a nice person.

Some people say you have to be "spiritual" to be a lightworker. I don't know about you, but I've met some damn fine people shining bright and helping the planet who do not resonate with spirituality at all.

You do not have to have a spiritual job or even be spiritual at all to be a lightworker. Some of the coolest lightworkers I know are total Agnostics. 

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x


How do you know if you're a lightworker?

Here's a lightworker test:

1. Do you try to be a nice person? 

2. Do you want to make a difference?

3. Do you want to help this planet?

If you said yes to the above, you are a lightworker.


Always doing the lightwork. x

Always doing the lightwork. x

The lightworker mission

"Hey Vix, you're cool with going down and helping planet earth for a while right?" 

"Sure, no problem! Earth is heaps pretty and I love hanging out with all my bezzies in human form! :D"

*Gets to Earth like OMG what is happening down here?*

A lot of lightworkers feel a huge amount of pressure to work out what exactly we're supposed to be doing and to get it done like yesterday. There never feels like enough time to complete the mission, we never actually really know what the mission is (apart from "to help") and so it can feel pretty daunting and frustrating at times

Connecting with your own inner guidance can give you a much better idea about what you're meant to be doing...

It's important to remember that just being a big bright light, being nice, standing up for injustice and generally doing your part to be a good human is pretty much enough. 


What's the deal with lightworkers and shadow work?

Shadow work is basically about working with the duality of both your light and dark

Although nothing brings me more joy than pulling Angel cards and sending love and light to the world, I am very aware that I am human and so I have an ego. As much as I try to bring light into my life, I know darkness exists, within me and around me. I just prefer to focus on the light. That doesn't mean I'm ignoring my shadow. It means when I discover something I don't like about myself or within myself I work on it, but I don't dwell on it.

I prefer to put my focus on what lights me up, and that's why I like the term lightworker.

Being a lightworker is not about being perfect. It's about choosing the light and choosing to do what's right and working on your stuff.

(Again, no disrespect if you prefer the term shadow worker and feel like it suits what you do. We're all doing the same thing just in the way that resonates for us right? Fist-bump)

Just in case you forget. x

Just in case you forget. x


When I do readings I'm doing lightwork.

When I'm sending reiki or love and light to others I'm doing lightwork.

When you meditate you're doing lightwork.

When you light a candle and pray for peace you're doing lightwork.

When you are nice to the person who makes your coffee, you're doing lightwork.


Angelic + Starseed connections

Many lightworkers also resonate with the idea that they are either incarnated angels, earth angels or starseeds (and we can talk about if these things are even different later). 

In a nutshell an incarnated angel is someone who has spent their time pre-this life hanging out in the angelic realms in angel form. 

In a nutshell a starseed is someone who has spent previous lifetimes and perhaps their soul also originates from another planet.

For many people the lightworker mission is not just about "helping out" but also making sure the planet survives, spreading peace, gaining information and understanding to take back to our own planets later, research assignments, and spreading love and light to help Earth evolve into it's next chapter in which we're all good to each other. 

Lighting up! x

Lighting up! x


So what do you think? Are you a lightworker? What's your definition of a lightworker

If you wanna chat more about being a lightworker, or anything woo woo, head over to the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on FB or let us know in the comments below.

With so much love and light!

