spirit guides

Pop Culture Spirit Guides

Pop Culture Spirit Guides, Falcor, New Age Hipster x

Connecting with your spirit guides can be kind of tricky, especially at first.

But actually, even when you've been hanging out with your guides for ages, the thought often does pop in: "what actually are spirit guides?"

I do spirit guide readings + I also help peeps meet and connect and hang out with their guides over at Woo Woo School, and the awesomeness that comes through for people is so varied!

There is a kind of "general consensus" that a spirit guide is the spirit of someone who's had a human life, usually a spiritual life of some kind, and they are with you now, guiding and supporting your journey from the other side.

I personally believe there is no one definition for "spirit Guides".

I have seen spirit guides come through for people in so many different forms.

Many spirit guides working with folks are passed over loved ones, people they've known and loved in past lives, sometimes they are twin flame kind of energies, sometimes they come through as past life versions of you, Galactic Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and yes, even characters from pop culture.

A spirit guide is spirit energy, which means that they can show themselves to you in the way that you most need to see them, and are able to understand them.

Jesus and Mother Mary, or He-Man and She-Ra? x

Jesus and Mother Mary, or He-Man and She-Ra? x

And there is no reason at all your guides and Angels can't appear to you as characters from pop culture.

The whole point is to help us to understand and connect with them and their energy.

Your guides may appear to you as pop culture peeps, or you can actively choose to work with them, just like we head over to Doreen V's website to choose an Angel to work with, you can do the same with Pop Culture Spirit Guides! :o

If you feel like you need some energy you see in a character on telly, go ahead and call that energy in!

Some of my fave pop culture spirit guides to call on are:



To me She-Ra is an aspect of Goddess energy. She's the divine feminine dressed to rock out

Just like the Celtic Goddesses of like, forever ago, She-Ra is the 80's version of Goddess power, which I think we could all use a little of right now!

Call on her and connect with your own inner-She-Ra Power! And if you wanna connect deeper, check out the She-Ra spread!



If She-Ra is the divine feminine, He-Man is totally the divine masculine.

If you're feeling like you could use a little boost to your inner strength or need some protection vibes around you, he's your guy. I see him as really similar to Archangel Michael energy, but more swoll.



Falcor has been with me for a while now. I sometimes feel him curled up around me during meditation and when I'm about to fall asleep. Some people think Falcor is creepy, but I think he's adorable, and he always makes me laugh! His energy is protective, but soft and gentle.

Call him in when you need a good night's sleep or fancy a midnight joy ride!

Need a ride? Call Falcor! x

Need a ride? Call Falcor! x


I freaking love the Labyrinth. It's full of spirit guide energy!

Hoggle is such a great spirit guide. He's definitely not a totally perfect dude in the movie, but as a spirit guide he's all positive traits - loyal, helpful and would do just about anything to get you over the Bog of Eternal Stench.

If you could use a true friend, he's the guy to call on.


Ferris Bueller

If you're suffering from a lack of confidence, call on Ferris Bueller to help you get cracking on those dreams! He's a buzzy, high vibe energy and never spares a thought for old beliefs or thought patterns of "I'm not good enough". Pah, who's got time for that? BORING! 

He believes in himself, and he believes that life is there for the taking. Call on him if you need a little of that!

Need a little confidence boost? This guy has no probs in that department! x

Need a little confidence boost? This guy has no probs in that department! x

If you want to learn more about connecting to your own spirit guides check out Woo Woo School or grab a reading and we can find out who's with you together.

With so much love, light and super fun ways to connect with your guidance,



When spirit guides go quiet

when spirit guides go quiet new age hipster blog

Sometimes your spirit guides go quiet.

You're doing all the right things; meditation, journalling, sleeping (you know, in case they contact you in your sleep), but nada. Zip. 

You can start to feel like you've lost your magic, you've lost your team and that you're suddenly all alone in the world.

Well, you're not. But I know that doesn't really help when you feel like you are.

So here's some thoughts on what's going on and what you can when your guides go quiet.


Why do guides go quiet?

I did a reading recently for a beautiful soul who was wondering why her guides were quiet. It turned out a big reason her guides had gone quiet was because she was in a major transition in her life. Now you'd expect your guides to be louder than ever, leading you through, but was actually happening for her was that her guides were also in transition. Many of her old guides were transitioning into new roles, preparing to incarnate and moving on in their own journeys. Their work had been done and now it was time to train up some new guides who'd be the brand new energies to take her through the next chapter in her life. 

I think this is happening for many of us right now. We've come a long way, and some of the guides who have led us to where we are now have completed their tasks and are now onto bigger and better things. And so are you. 

Sometimes guides go quiet to let you work things out for yourself.

Many times when faced with a decision we call on our guidance and get really clear answers. Sometimes we don't, but it's not because they aren't helping you, it's because there's more for you to learn and more growth for you to do by working things out on your own at times. They still have your back and are there to catch you if you fall, but remember:

your spirit guides are just here to guide you, not to make all your decisions and live your life for you.


Sometimes it's not them it's you.

If you're struggling to hear your guides take a look at what you're doing to hear them. Are you making sure you have quiet time? Are you meditating and journalling? Are you actually calling on them and asking for help? So many times people are like OMG can't hear my guides, and I'm like, well are you asking them questions? And the person's face goes o_O 

I do it all the time. Honestly. I always forget to ask for help. I even had to put up a card on my wall to bloody well remind me to ask for answers and to ask for help. 

It's easier to get help and answers when you ask.

ask for help spirit guides and angels new age hipster


What you can do about it

When the guides you usually connect with go quiet it's a great opportunity to connect with someone else.

Whether it's calling on your Guardian Angel, The Fae, Jesus, Ganesha, the Goddess, or any other divine being or deity. It can be a great chance to connect with some energies you wouldn't have otherwise

Also it's a really great opportunity to connect with your own self. 

Working with spirit guides is very much about connecting with other beings to help you, but what if you looked within and started trusting your own self even more?

Perhaps that's the real reason spirit guides go quiet is because they want you to connect with your own intuition, higher self and your own soul. 


If you would like to meet, reconnect or connect even deeper with your spirit guide/s check out The Spirit Guide Reading! :D

With so much love and light!



What I know about Angels

What I know about Angels

So I've been going on about Angels for a while now but haven't really stopped to talk about what I really think about Angels. I thought it might be nice to sit down with a tea and tell you what I know about Angels...


1. Angels will get your attention when the time is right

Whether you've had your own spiritual thing going on for years, or you're just starting to ask the big questions, I believe that Angels will make themselves known to you when the time is right - perhaps it's even from reading this! Some people work with Angels when they are little kids, some people (like me!) only discover them later in life. It wasn't that I didn't believe in Angels, they just weren't resonating with me. Honestly, I always thought of them as like 'Christmas Tree Angels'. Something you sang about in Church and saw statues of, and although I thought they were kind of beautiful, I didn't really think that they had anything to do with my life. I don't even know what promoted me to do it, but one day while crystal shopping online I added a deck of Angel Oracle cards to my order, without thinking too much about it... and the rest, as they say, is history!

You may hear people talking about Angels, or start stumbling across blog posts like this one. You may see signs like walking past a shop that has Angel wings in the window, seeing white feathers by your feet, or anything else that reminds you of Angels.


2. Angels are energy

I'm going to say something that could be pretty controversial here so hold onto your hats! Angels are energy. Pretty awesome energy that you can call on for help, and energy you can build relationships with, but you know how everyone sees Angels as these like Renaissance dudes with wings? That's just how some artists around that time saw this energy. Many other people have seen angels and described them as lights and colours. So it goes that back in the days when all these amazing art works were being created people 'mistook' the light that this energy brought as 'wings'. Hey, whatever works for you guys. And I'm so glad they thought it was wings, because how cool do wings look?!

Where Angels come from nobody really knows. God, the Pleiades, Other star systems, Concious collective thought, or maybe we even create them ourselves. OH WHAT?! Stay with me... So for example, yesterday I had a headache. I called upon Archangel Raphael (the healing Angel) to heal my head. So what's really going on when that happens? I'm simply calling upon healing energy to help me right? Wherever that healing energy comes from is fine by me as long as it's from the light! I like to think of it as this cool hot human like glittery man leaning over me with his healing hands and bright white wings healing me because that's what works for me. But if you like to think of the healing Archangel Raphael energy coming from space, or God, or from with inside yourself, bloody go for it!


3. Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides might be one and the same

Some people have this whole tribe of Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, passed over loved ones and I don't even know who else all sorted out into perfect positions. A lot of people think that Spirit Guides and Angels are totally different, which they might be for you, and that's so cool. But for me I've got a Spirit Guide who appears to me with wings, and other one who is like this aqua blue colour, yeah, I dunno, I guess that's how he had to appear to me so I'd know who he was or something! Doreen Virtue talks about Earth Angels; Incarnated Angels who chose to come and have human lives, which is pretty cool, but if Angels can come to earth as humans, why can't Spirit Guides be part Angel too? Woah, mind blown!

I was meditating one day on this idea, after spending ages trying to work out who the heck were my Angels and who were my Guides and I got this message: 'Call me Angel, call me Guide, just call me'. It was just a message from the energy of those around me, collectively perhaps, but it worked for me. So now when I'm in the shower I just shout out a 'hi God, Guides, Angels and whoever else is with me from the light'!


4. Read books and blogs but go with your gut

There are so many Angel books out there and so many of them are AWESOME! I don't always totally resonate with everything I read about Angels, and I don't think I'm meant to. Each book written about Angels is about one person's ideas and experiences and all of us are going to experience Angels differently. You don't have to agree with what everyone says about Angels, or spirituality for that matter! Read and learn whatever and whoever you feel drawn to, but make sure to focus on spending time talking to the Angels yourself. Ask them to guide you to good information about them, Oracle Decks that will resonate with you and people you can talk to about them without feeling crazy. Journal, play with Angel cards and get to know them one on one, or one on however many you have in your camp!


5. When you follow their guidance things go better

When you get that little nudge to sign up for a course, talk to that person at work or stop drinking caffeine and you follow it, things get better. However this guidance comes to you - whether it's an Angelic whisper, a repetitive thought, hearing or seeing signs - if it feels good and it feels right (even if it feels scary or unusual!) that's your guidance right there. I was guided to write this blog post today. I could have gone downstairs to watch more episodes of Friends (OMG Friends is ALWAYS on!), but instead, I sat here and typed this. And maybe it's all just for you to get these messages! Or maybe it's because the Angels are just really bored of watching the whole Rachel/Ross thing... again.


I would love to know your thoughts on what I know about Angels and even share some of your own! Either below in the comments, or you are always welcome on Facebook where there is always someone to chat to about this stuff (usually me!). Also, sign up for the Newsletter below to make sure you don't miss any good stuff. I'm about to start a series of posts on different Archangels and how to work with them! But in the meantime, check out this post on Archangel Orion to keep your Angel cup full!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and Angelic Blessings! <3



The Week Ahead - 20th to 26th October

Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

I've been thinking about giving the weekly forecasts some new life for a while. People seem to be resonating with my one card readings but from looking at other awesome Tarot blogs everyone seems to be doing three card readings. So I was like - hey God, Guides and Angels, what should I do for my weekly reading? Should I pull three cards? Should I copy Doreen Virtue's weekly readings style? Or do something more like what Kyle Gray is doing on his YouTube channel? What should I do?! And I heard this voice in my head say SEVEN. I was like - "OMG are you kidding me? SEVEN cards?" and then I heard nothing so I thought OK, fine, you win. I'll do SEVEN!

So here it is, the first seven day seven card reading from New Age Hipster! Yikes!

Monday - Queen of Wands

OK, this is a positive start to the week. This Queen reminds me of some kind of Fairy Queen. She's very sweet and loving and kind to animals, but if you piss her off - WOAH watch out! She's reminding you today to channel your inner Fairy Queen. Don't take crap from anyone today. Stand in your power and know that you are good enough to follow your dreams OK?!

Tuesday - Five of Cups reversed

Something might not go to plan today. You might mess something up, miss the bus, spill your morning coffee or after work drink on that hottie patottie from finance, or you might just be generally feeling drained.  What can you do about it? Drink more water. Eat well, look after you today. Really put in some self care stuff. Don't beat yourself up because you're not perfect. No one is, not even Beyonce.

Wednesday - The High Priestess

Yay! Today we are getting intuitive hits like BOOYAH! It's a great day to spend some time doing whatever Spirit-Junkie, New Age Hipster, Spiritual thing you like doing that works for you. Pull some cards, do some journalling, talk to your Angels in the shower. You are extra intuitive today so use that to your advantage to get some answers you've been seeking.

Thursday - King of Cups reversed

This is a guy who's been driving you a little nuts. There's some jerk energy around you today - someone at work, someone looking for a rise out of you on social media or some guy in a big car cutting you off in traffic because you're nothing but a girl who can't drive. Today be extra grounded and protected. Imagine yourself in a bubble of light today (and everyday!) and ask Archangel Michael if you can borrow his shield, he'll totally let you. You might want to stack yourself up with some protective crystals too. On these days I put an Obsidian in my bra. Dudes you probably have pockets.

Friday - Ace of Cups reversed

By Friday you might feel a little emotionally wrecked, exhausted or just a little out of sorts - but cheer up poppet! It's FRIDAY! Whoop!Chill out tonight - watch a rom com with your better half, or alone, or with a cat. Eat popcorn, drink wine, meet up with that guy from finance for drinks if you feel up to it, or just hang out with some best buds. It's not the best night to be going on the pull. Seriously, you'll never meet anyone worthy of you doing that anyway. Have some you-time to recharge those batteries!

Saturday - The Fool reversed

Seriously, what's with all these reversed cards?! OMG. OK today you aren't taking any huge leaps of faith, but maybe it's time to start planning a leap of faith. What are those projects you've been putting off? Are you halfway through an online course that you just haven't been participating in (hello this is so me, I have like 5 courses I'm currently doing, don't do that - don't enroll in so many things!), do you want to start your own blog, or business, or find a new job or career path? What's the big jump you want to take? Spend some time today thinking about that and making plans, even if it's just in your head while you browse Pinterest. Better yet, make a Pinterest board about your dreams, business, whatever!

Sunday - The Hierophant

How appropriate for a Sunday! This is the card of traditional lifestyles and expectations, and that's so Sunday. Spend time with your fam, do some housework, get the laundry done, go out for a civilized lunch or just chill on the couch. It's a happy homes Sunday and a roast with the loved ones would probably be perfect today. Enjoy the simple things in life today - write a gratitude list and wear warm fuzzy slippers.

I'd love to know how your week goes and if this reading resonates with you wonderful peeps of the internet! You can find me all over the place but I'm most chatty on Instagram and Facebook. Also, if you fancy a reading that's just for you check out my Etsy store - I'm currently offering some charity readings where all the money goes to Cat charities. :-)

Sending so much love, light and a joy filled week,



The Week Ahead - Home is where you choose it

Home Mary Queen of Angels

This week's reading comes from Mother Mary via Doreen Virtue's Mary Queen of Angels oracle card deck. I love working with Mother Mary. Her energy is so soft, loving and yet deeply powerful. When I call on her I often get a feeling that she is standing right behind me, it's gentle and so peaceful and a strong feeling of just being 'loved'.

Today Mary is giving us some guidance about our home, but not in the material sense of home being a place of mud, stone and mortar. This message is about finding your spiritual home. It's about finding your people, finding the right spiritual leaders to follow and actually it's also about finding the place within yourself where you feel comfortable and safe. How do you connect with that place? How do you connect with the divine?

Spirituality isn't religion. We don't have a doctrine to abide by, we are free to choose what works for us, what makes sense to us and live according to what resonates with our own highest self. How amazing is that?! We are so lucky in this day and age that we have this freedom. It was not so long ago that I would've been killed for even whispering these ideas, let alone writing them down and publishing them on the internet!

But here we are, in 2014, and we have the freedom to decide where we want to live, who we want to live with and how we are going to pay our rent. So why not choose our spiritual family and home as well?

Take some time this week to think about your spiritual home. What does it mean to you? Who do you want to live with? Do you want choirs of angels by your bed? A spirit guide to chat to over a cup of tea? Do you want to sit out in nature and commune with the nature spirits and fairies? Do you want to follow the teachings of Jesus and hang a Rosary in your car? Do you want to work with the saints and ask for Saint Christopher's protection while travelling? How about just being in communication with God or the Universe? Do you want to do energy work and raise your vibration through your chakra system? How about reading all the books about Native American spirituality? Cast spells and sit in sacred circles, read the Book of Mormon, try Kundalini Yoga, explore your life purpose through Numerology, read the Tarot, pull some runes, or like me, you might want to try and do all of the above plus so much more!

The message Mary has for us today is that it doesn't matter what you do, or how or who you connect with in your spiritual home as long as you live your life from a place of love and are kind to people, animals and the Earth.

So think about your spiritual home this week, but whatever you find there, and however you find it hold the space and respect those who find it differently. Just because you like apartment living doesn't mean those people living in shipping container houses are doing it wrong. As long as you pay your rent and are kind to the neighbours right?!

And while we are ordering off the spiritual menu, browsing spiritual books on Amazon, playing with our tarot and oracle card decks, reading about various spiritual ideas on the internet and chatting to like minded souls this week, may we all send love and prayers for peace this week to those areas of the world in which people do not yet have the freedom to speak their truth.

Love, light and spiritual choices,




The Week Ahead - Just Walk Away!

Hey hipsters! Welcome to another week ahead reading! It's been a HUGE week for me - I've been training to get my Angel Card Reader Certification with Doreen Virtue! WOWZERS! If you fancy an angel card reading from me you can check out my Etsy store, or keep your eye on my Facebook page. The other day I was on FB and bored and had my cards out so I randomly started giving out free messages - it could happen again! 

When I met Doreen Virtue at the book signing she told me I had 'so many fairies' around me. Now that was kind of surprising because although I've been trying for ages to make deals with the fairies - I recycle more and eat less meat, you gift me some cash - I haven't exactly been that successful at it. But nevertheless, after she told me that I did have fairies I went marching straight up to the store and grabbed the last deck of 'Magical Messages from the Fairies'. And so this week our message comes courtesy of the fairies!

'Walk away'. It's pretty self explanatory really, but you might want to take a little time to work out exactly what you need to walk away from in your life right now. I really don't think this card is telling us all to quit our day jobs and run off to live in a fairy kingdom. It's about being able to walk away from that which no longer serves us. I really think this week it's not just about doing a detox - friends that bring us down, a job that seriously sucks, a bad habit (spending way too much money on oracle decks?!), a shitty relationship or whatever it is. This week we are being called to work out the difference between going through stuff that will help us grow and walking away from that which is stunting us.

Sometimes we put so much emphasis into 'fixing' things that aren't really right for us; a relationship, a house, a job. We try to force things into being what we want them to be and often feel like 'walking away' is a cop out. The easy way out. The fairies are telling us this week sometimes it's OK to end a relationship that isn't working, making plans to leave an OK but fulfilling job we've been in for years, or selling or moving a house that isn't a good fit. Sometimes staying in a situation is the cop out, right? This can also refer to your own emotional crap too. I know for me the emotional crap I need to let go of is my total lack of self-confidence. No matter how many people tell me my tarot and angel readings are spot on and amazing I still have that feeling of 'who am I to do this stuff?' Well this week I'm going to try to change that to 'who am I not to?' And who are you not to be the best you can be?!

Is there a situation you are staying in simply for fear of being a cop out if you walk away? Or a mindset that no longer serves you? Have a think about it this week and on Monday it's the full moon! A perfect time to do some manifestation work - work out what you really want and what you need to let go of in order to make that thing happen!

I'm sending so much love, light and fairy lights to all those who pass this way,



Guardian Angel Tarot Reading Giveaway!

My Guardian Angel Tarot cards - the brand new deck by Doreen Virtue - arrived today! It's really sweet and so cute and the images are adorable chintzy angel-y delights! To celebrate I'm giving away three mini-3 card readings with this deck! The readings will be a shorter version of one of my full 3 card readings which I'm nearly ready to unveil on my Etsy store. This reading will give you angelic insights into the past, present and possible future based on any question of your choice! This is a sweet soft deck and will work best for sensitive super cute people who love the angels, or are open to them being around.

When I'm a little more acquainted with this deck I'm going to do a video deck review + reading so watch this space!

To win a free mini-reading all you have to do is like newagehipster333 on Instagram and share this photo with a #newagehipster hashtag!

Winners will be announced on  #Caturday!

(Please note this giveaway is not available to those who've already had a free reading)

<3 Love, light and Guardian Angel blessings! <3




The Week Ahead - Filling up!

10590413_693867610693967_3602375258438122113_n OK first of all, let's talk about my new deck! You know I'm obsessed with buying new decks right now and I need to find a way to control it, but this is a deck I've had a crush on for ages! The Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Meyers from 1989. It's so 80's and I'm so in love with it! Maybe I should do a deck review?!

So what's going on this week? Well this Queen of Cups is different than the usual Rider Waite Queen who stares at her cup almost obsessively. Here we see a much more open Queen who looks like she wants to give us some of her water. But she can't give us anything if she doesn't fill her cup first... and that's the message for this week - we need to fill our cups!

So I've been cracking on with these free readings of which I still have nearly a hundred requests waiting for me in my inbox (thanks for your patience!) and although I am loving every minute of it I am totally stressed out that I'm taking too long and letting people down! But I'm getting the message now to slow down and look after myself first. So now I'm trying to do a quick reading for myself before I do readings for anyone else and put my study and practice first rather than as an after thought - you know, thinking I'll do the stuff for others first then if I've got time I'll do my own stuff.

I did a reading this week in which I saw this woman on a plane with children. I saw her having to put on her own oxygen mask before she assisted others. And that's so what we are needing to think about this week! You can't help others if you can't breathe!

A lot of us right now have a deep desire to help as many people as we can - family, friends, clients, people who read our blogs, whoever we can! We feel like we are never doing enough for others, that we could be doing so much more, and even feeling guilty when we don't feel like we're fulfilling our purpose...

 But how can we fulfill anything when we are empty?!

Let's take a look at this Queen of Cups this week - she's giving, she's beautiful, she's strong and powerful, but if her bowl was empty she wouldn't be any of these things! (OK, maybe she'd sill be beautiful, she's practically a Barbie!)

So what can we do this week to fill up?! Well you know I'm seriously into lists right now so here's some ideas... :-)

<3 Take a bath - Queen of Cups - water - get it?!

<3 Drink tea! Oh we are so on the Cups vibe here...

<3 Take long showers

<3 Buy a new nail polish! Barry M is 3 free and 3 for 2 at Boots right now! Or paint your nails with the polish you already have!

<3 Watch your favourite TV show or a movie and don't feel guilty for doing it! Imagine sitting on your couch and the Universe is pouring love and light into your head while you zone out!

<3 Get a massage or get someone to give you one, or let the cat walk on your back. Haha!

<3 Get your hair done, or do it yourself!

<3 Make time to read a few chapters from that book on your bedside table

<3 Sit in the sun! (If you have any!)

<3 Have a beer or a wine and don't feel guilty! I know loads of us these days are all about the clean living, but come on, even Jesus had a tipple!

<3 Spend some time doing some tarot/angel readings for yourself! If you don't have the cards look for some blogs (like mine! Lol!) or other websites where you can get your fill! I really think that even if you look at old readings online that you can find exactly what you are supposed to in that moment. You might find some old posts on here that make sense to you in the moment!

<3 Take a selfie and revel in the 'WOW you so PRETTY/SEXY' comments

<3 Write a list of all your good features

<3 Write a letter to your 12 year old self telling her or him how amazing their life is going to be

<3 Book a holiday or a pretend Pinterest holiday

<3 Make a vision board or do some scrapbooking

<3 Clean out your closet and give old stuff to charity

<3 Make or order your favourite dinner and eat seconds

<3 Dance around your bedroom!

<3 Do whatever you need to do to 'fill up'!

And once we find the balance between filling up and pouring out we'll be like those guys who play the bagpipes doing circular breathing; they don't stop to think about if they are breathing in or out, it just happens.

Love, light and glasses full,



PS - I'm thinking about doing my week ahead next week as video! Eeeeep! Join the conversation on Facebook if you have any ideas about what you want to see!





What the heck is intention?


There's a lot of talk going around in spiritual circles about 'intentions'.

So like,  what is an intention anyway?!

An intention isn't like, just thinking about something you want. "I want pizza" doesn't always equate to pizza magically turning up. But if you really make it your intention to get a pizza into your life you'll think about, salivate over it, yearn for it and stick your hands down the crumby cracks of the couch to find your loose change and make it happen. That's intention.

papa johns ad

It starts with a thought, sure, but it has to either come from a deeper place, or you have to put that thought into a deeper place to make it an intention.


OK, let's go back to the pizza analogy. In version 1, you might not have even realised you wanted pizza. Maybe you were watching Breaking Bad or some other show with a cool pizza scene and you find yourself thinking - "Hmm, I wouldn't mind a pizza right about now." You start thinking about the pizza more and more, you find yourself checking the Just-Eat app to look at pizza menus and you realise - I am going to make this pizza thing happen. Boom! Intention.


In version 2 you are driving home from work and you have a sudden realisation - you just have to eat a pizza. No question, no doubt, you will have pizza! That's intention!

Think about how many fleeting thoughts you have in a day, then think about the things that stick. That feeling that you need to get out of your job, or that your boyfriend is a jerk and you can probably do better. Or, if you're like me, you'll have that nagging feeling of needing to get to work on some project you've been procrastinating about (hello blog). Changing or fixing those things make awesome intentions!

But it doesn't have to be that full-on! I was all in love with aqua aura crystals a couple of weeks ago. I pinned about a hundred of them and today my aqua aura crystal turned up in the mail! OK, so I bought it off Etsy, and maybe that doesn't count as actual manifestation, but *I* made it happen! I made that crystal go into a baggy in Hawaii and turn up at my doorstep in England - as if by magic!


So once we work out what we want, whether it's a new boyfriend or a pizza, how do we get it? You can't buy everything off Etsy after all.  Now, I'm no genius in manifestation, but I do OK. I'm still waiting on the dream job and the house but hey, all in divine timing right?! but for now, one of my favourite intention fire starters is...


When I'm in the shower in the morning I basically meditate and do all my prayers and shielding stuff. I get in there at around 5:30am so let's just say some days it goes better than others, but I always try to finish off with an intention for the day. I don't just say the first thing I think of - 'my intention today is to win the lottery so I never have to get up this early again!' No, I can do better than that! I'm basically part incarnated angel and so I'm not really all that good at sticking up for myself and speaking my truth (oh hello aqua aura!), so that's been something I've been putting in my morning intentions, and yes, it is working!

It's not like you're doing that much else in the shower right? You can spare ten seconds each morning to make an intention for your day, even if it's just to order a pizza when you get home, because that sounds pretty damn good to me!

Love, light and pizza intentions,

