Intuitive Tarot Reading for July 2018

Woowooooo! Big awakening energy moving through this month y'all!

Intuition is also gonna be heightened too!

Make sure you are listening to your guidance, taking action and looking after your own energy big time this month so you can really make the most of these high vibes coming in!

It's got the potential to be a powerful month with lots of shifts! Stay grounded!

If you wanna come join us in The Circle this month we're starting our journey through the elements! It's gonna be mega!

With love, light and awakening,



Birthday Tarot Spread

Birthday Tarot Spread

It's my birthday tomorrow! Wahooo!

Birthdays are such important celebrations.

It's a chance to look at how far you've come, what you've achieved and learned and how much you've grown into the amazing person you are!

It's also a brilliant opportunity to celebrate yourself, your life, everything you have and everything you are.

And of course, most birthdays don't go by without some kind of pondering on where you're heading next.

On your birthday take some time to honour your journey with this tarot spread. I'll be doing it for myself tomorrow and then I'll be heading into Camden, London for dirty vegan burgers, beers and vintage shopping! :D

PS - if it's not actually your birthday, it's still OK to do this reading, especially if you feel like you need a bit of a check in! x


1. Birthday message from your ancestors/passed over loved ones

Your ancestors and loved ones in spirit are always with you big time on your birthday. This card will be a message from them.

2. Lessons learned in the last year

Birthdays are an important time to take stock, to notice how much you've learned and grown.

3. What has been healed and released

We often hang onto things via an energetic imprint long after they have been healed and cleared. What can you finally let go of today?

4. Missions accomplished

What part of your life purpose can you tick off today?

5. Theme of this year

Moving into this next year, this card can give you an idea of some of the energy you'll be working with and focused on.

6. Guides/energies to call in and work with

New guides may appear for you today, or old guides might want to step forward. See who/what would be good for you to call in here.

7. How to honour and celebrate yourself today

Today is all about celebrating your life! This card will give you some ideas on how to do that.

8. Mission for this year

Your mission as you move ahead into the next 12 months...

9. How to accomplish this mission

And here you'll find some advice and support on how to move forward on the next part of your mission!


With so much love and light,




If you dig this spread you might like to check out Tarot Spreads You Can't Live Without. It's totally free!

Tarot Spreads You Can't Live Without New Age Hipster

Intuitive Reading for June 2018

All the intuitive goss for the month of June has landed!

This month has the potential to be a pretty big one.

Our guides are majorly kicking our butts about a few things, but if they don't, we're never gonna get where we need to go!

Watch the YouTube video or listen via audio! 

These are now gonna be hitting the podcast too, so you can always go listen via iTunes if that's more your jam!

This month in The Circle we are gonna be diving into the topic of Self Care. Click here for more info.

And if you wanna work with me this month you can get all the deets here.

May your June be full of magic and getting shiz done!

With so much love and light,


New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 11 | Priestessing with Vanessa Sage

New Age Hipster Radio Episode 11

Vanessa Sage is a bright light in this word and I was so excited that she came to chat on the Podcast! 

We talked about what it means to be a Priestess, how to be a powerful leader even if you're a total introvert and finding magic in every day.

Vanessa works her magic through spiritual and business mentorship, tarot and her Priestess training which I have been blessed to be a part of for the last year. I have learned so much from Vanessa about how to Priestess. Before I started the course I would never have used the word Priestess do describe myself, now it's the only thing I wanna call myself!

Vanessa also has a PhD in cultural anthropology, and spent many years studying Buddhism, pilgrimage, and alternative spirituality as an anthropologist of religion.

Find out more about Vanessa's Priestess program and other work here:

Priestess Program

Vanessa Sage

Vanessa Sage

New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 10 | Speaking your truth with love

Episode 10 New Age Hipster Radio Podcast

"Speaking your truth doesn't come from your throat chakra, speaking your truth comes from your heart chakra."

In this solo episode I had a good long ramble about my thoughts and experiences on speaking my truth. 

What does it mean to speak your truth? Why do we all struggle so much to do it? How do past lives affect us? And, what can we do to move into more alignment, love and power when it comes to speaking our truth?

I attempt to answer all these questions in just half an hour! Hoorah!

I hope you enjoy listening and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments on over on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop Facebook group.

Vix New Age Hipster

New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 9 | Crystal Magic with Tamara from Wolf Sister

New Age Hipster Radio Ep 9

I'm so excited to share the podcast chat I had with my soul sister Tamara from Wolf Sister!

If you are into crystals, whether you're just starting out or have a house full of sparkly pretties, you're gonna wanna come listen to Tamara's high vibe, straight talking, super magical thoughts and advice on how to make your experiences with your crystals more meaningful and magical!

So pour yourself a glass of rose quartz gem water (or tea, or whatever!) and come hang out and get the crystal goss!

Find out more about Tamara here:

Tamara Wolf Sister

New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 8 | Dealing with the haters, Compassion + empowerment with Ethony

New Age Hipster Radio Episode 8

OMMGGGG you guys, we are sooo freaking lucky to have the incredible Ethony on the show! :O

Ethony is a kick ass Tarot reader and teacher and an absolute boss when it comes to business. She runs the Tarot Readers Academy online and the Awakened Soul Coven and she has an incredible blog and YouTube channel that are well worth binging over!

In this week's episode we get into a super juicy chat about dealing with the haters and other negativity online, we talk about how freaking important compassion is as a practice and we even talk openly for the first time about Doreen Virtue's conversion! :O

This is good stuff y'all!

Have a listen and let us know what you think, and find out all about Ethony here:


New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 7 | My Spiritual Story

New Age Hipster Radio Episode 7

So this episode ended up being waaaaay longer than I intended! I suggest listening to this one on a long commute or while cleaning the house!

In this solo ramble I share my spiritual story! This is pretty much my entire life story in an hour.

I chat about my moment of self actualisation as a little kid, becoming a witch in the 90's, my experience as a worship leader in the church, how a ghost that made me reconnect to my spiritual path and how I got from being totally oblivious to my guides and angels to being able to hear them clearly and trust my guidance!

Some of the links I talk about in this ep:

How to Stay Shiny free Protection E-Book

Woo Woo School

Vix New Age Hipster

New Age Hipster Radio Episode 6 | Spiritual Deep Dives + Cosmic Shifts with Gail Love Schock

New Age Hipster Radio Ep6

It was such an honour to have the glorious Gail Love Schock on the podcast!

If you are ready for some deep diving, cosmic shifting and to really do the spiritual work, you're gonna have to have a listen to this immense chat I had with Gail!

Gail touched on so many things, we talked about old paradigm language and energies that we are shifting out of now, we talked about new ways to re-frame the "empath" conversation, the throat chakra clearing of the entire planet and that was just in the first couple of minutes!

So make yourself a bevvy and get comfy and hang out with us for bit. :)


Gail Love Schock Energy Alchemist, Spiritual Direction and Life Strategist and Interfaith Minister. Gail walks you across the bridge of your now to next, supporting your awakening, transformation and connect back home to yourself. Featured in The Sunday Times Style Edit, New York Post, Psychologies and Women & Home, Gail's down to earth spirituality is making the difference to a new generation of seekers, love leaders and decision makers.

Gail Love Schock

An Interview with Madame Pamita

Madame Pamita on New Age Hipster x

I have been a big Madame Pamita fan for years, I adore her energy and her tarot and magic work. I have binged her entire YouTube channel and when I saw she was releasing a new book on the Tarot I knew I had to get her on the blog! :D

So go make a magical tea infusion and get comfy and come dive into Madame Pamita's world for a little while!

She has also given the New Age Hipster readers an incredible offer down below so be sure to read right to the end!


I’m so excited about your upcoming book Madame Pamita’s Magical Tarot: Using the cards to make your dreams come true. How will this book help readers to develop their own tarot practice?

I wrote the tarot book that I always wanted to see out there in the world - one that looked at new ways of using the cards beyond doing readings and new ways of looking at each of the cards as a portal to success and happiness. It's a great book for beginners to get a handle on the cards and also a great book for experienced readers to use to look at the cards in a new light. I give exercises for beginner readers to start to get to know the tarot, but there are a lot of in-depth tools, such as the affirmations for each card, that will bring a new viewpoint for even really experienced readers. My editor, the fabulous Judika Illes (who is an amazing author and very experienced tarot reader in her own right), said that I pointed out symbols on the Rider-Waite-Smith that she had never even seen before, so I think anyone who is interested in using the tarot proactively and looking at the cards as keys to solutions will get a lot out of it.


How did you first discover and begin working with the tarot?

I got my first deck when I was ten years old! I was in Salem, Massachusetts with my parents and we were in a witch-themed gift shop, probably Laurie Cabot's as this was back in the mid-seventies. My mom said that I could choose a souvenir and I chose a miniature Rider-Waite-Smith deck. I am sure that this is the very first tarot deck I had ever seen. I began playing with the cards as a child and as I got older, began reading books and studying with teachers and that's how it all began. 


What was it about the tarot that hooked you in?

I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't fascinated with divination, astrology, the occult. I was a little baby witch, for sure! But the tarot was for me, the ultimate goal. To learn to read the cards was always a huge goal for me when I was young. I really struggled with trying to memorize the cards and what they mean - the way I teach, I take out the memorization and show people how to learn to see and interpret symbols and connect them to their own intuition. That's the real way to read cards and that's why no computer tarot program will ever equal a skilled reader. Computers don't have a connection to intuition. They can only spit out rote interpretations of the cards, which isn't a reading at all. 


What were some of the other first decks you used?

My first deck was that miniature Rider-Waite-Smith, my second deck was a full-sized Rider-Waite-Smith but my third deck was the Tarot of the Old Path, which is a fabulous deck with pagan imagery. It really opened up my eyes to other ways of understanding the symbols on the Rider-Waite-Smith. Comparing the imagery and symbols on more than one deck is a great exercise that can really deepen your understanding of the tarot.


Madam Pamita's Magical Tarot

What is your favourite tarot deck?

Well, my go-to deck is always the Rider-Waite-Smith. They are my old friends because the symbolism is so incredibly rich. It just continues to speak to me after more than 40 years of being around it. But, I do have other favorites - I love Ed Buryn's William Blake Tarot. William Blake is one of my spirit guides and this deck was gifted to me by a dear friend, so I have a beautiful connection to it. I also love any of the decks by Robert M. Place. I think he's a true genius and his decks are gorgeous. 


What are your thoughts on how predictive readings work?

I believe in free will, so if one believes in free will, there is no such thing as a "destiny." However, that being said, I believe that we can see strong streams of energy moving in a certain direction and opportunities that are available to someone. I like to show my clients the map of where their opportunities lie (and the pitfalls to avoid), but it's up to them to walk the path. 


What is your favourite card to see in a reading?

The Sun is one of my absolute favorites. It radiates the foundational feeling of pure joy and whether the querant's mind is on love, career, health or any other topic, it points to a good outcome. It's a card of carefree fun, positive recognition, everything being on the up and up. I think in my mind, I always want to be as open, joyful, and free as that naked little child enjoying a beautiful summer day!


What is your least favourite card to see in a reading?

It depends on the position in the layout. I mean, seeing a "negative" card in the past isn't a bad thing at all. It acknowledges that you've moved past that stuff, so it's sometimes a relief to see those kinds of cards in certain positions. But, if we're looking at "outcome" cards or cards that seem challenging on their own, one of the ones that I like to see least is the Devil. In my interpretation, the Devil can sometimes represent healthy rebellion or even fun rulebreaking, but more often than not, it represents power struggles. When it comes up in a reading, it often points to a struggle of some kind - maybe it's internal, maybe it's with another person, maybe it's with some institutional oppression. It doesn't necessarily mean suffering but it does mean you're going to have to pay attention, work through the struggle, and transform in some way. This transformation is often needed, but it requires some effort, that's for sure. It's the opposite of the carefree fun of the Sun.


What is your go to tarot spread?

I have a 7-card layout that I love to use and use often. It's one that I made up and I informally call it the Daisy Spread. I pull one central card and then pull six other cards and place them around the central card like the petals on a daisy. The central card gives me the big theme of the situation, the three above represent what's known and above board, the three below are what's happening behind the scenes. I look at the two on the left as what has been the foundation (known and unknown) and the two on the right as what is to come (known and unknown). The one at the bottom is the unknown thing that is "grounding" the situation and the one at the top is the highest outcome. The positions have multiple meanings and I love looking at the cards in multiple ways. 


As well as being a tarot reader, you are also a magical practitioner and work with hoodoo and rootwork practices. What drew you to that particular path?

Magic and divination have always gone hand-in-hand for me. I began studying magic when I was a girl, really not long after I got my first tarot deck. I think that I have always had a natural talent for both. I definitely have always been attracted to both. When we are looking at a situation through a reading, we may see some areas that need some spiritual support and magic is that spiritual support. Maybe we are asking a question about career and we want to see more doors open or for the promotion or job to come faster. Spiritual work can help move those energies forward. So, I just see magic, and hoodoo as a branch of that magic, as an extension of a reading, the natural action that should follow a reading. 


Do you have any advice for readers who want to start their own spiritual business?

First, get business cards made and second, carry your tarot deck with you and take every opportunity to do readings that you can and hand out those business cards. When I started to go public with my readings (after years of just reading for friends), I put myself in any situation I could to do readings for strangers. I read at friends' parties, I read at events, I set up shop in bookstores and restaurants (with the owners' blessing) - I just hustled, and as a result, I got to be a better reader and a better reader will gain loyal clients. Once that happens, everything else will fall into place. 


How can readers find out more about you and your work?

I have a store called Madame Pamita's Parlour of Wonders and people can find me online at From there, they can discover my services, the supplies that I sell, and also things like my YouTube channel and my podcast (look under "Instruction"). I also have a free ebook (and it's really a gorgeous one!) called "Seven Secrets to Supercharge Your Spellwork" and I give it away to anyone who signs up for my newsletter (which I send out about once a month). 

I would love to get to know your blog readers and for them to get to know me, so I want to give them a special discount of 25% off a Reading or a one-on-one Individual Instruction session - If they enter the promo code NEWAGEHIPSTER they can get 25% off a session (any length/kind). This offer is good for sessions booked anytime up to June 30, 2018. Yay!


With so much love and light,

