
The Week Ahead - Steady Progress

photo (43) I've been ill. My brain is kind of like cotton wool and the thought of pulling a Tarot card today and then interpreting it into something really useful to put on my blog was like -OMG how can I?! So instead I went back to basics. I pulled a card from my Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance From Your Angels deck. I love Angel Oracle cards because they are are just really loving and gentle. There's no Death card or Tower card to deal with, and some days (like today for me!) you just need a cup of tea and a hug instead of a kick in the pants to get going on your goals. I highly recommend Angel cards for this reason, they have that energy that feels like angels putting their wings around you, even if it's still not always want you want to hear, whereas Tarot can sometimes be more of a shove in the right direction.

So today's cup of tea and hug tells us we are making steady progress!

"We acknowledge you for the progress you've made in remembering love in your daily activities. We can clearly see the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."

I don't know about you, but I constantly have the feeling that I can be doing more, that I should be doing more. If I'm not at work I should be working on my blog, practicing and reading about Tarot and other spiritual stuff, you know, working on becoming enlightened and stuff. Oh yeah and then there's working on my YA novel, reading for fun, spending time with friends and loved ones, and what about the new episodes of True Blood?! Don't even look at my carpets seriously, I haven't vacuumed in ages. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day! And I wonder why I get a cold with this kind of thinking!?

This week we are being told - it's OK, you are doing fine, even if it doesn't always feel like it, you are making progress towards your goals, and if you are spreading the love and light a little every day then you are doing well! *Pat on back*.

So don't beat yourself up if you didn't get that blog post done, or whatever it was you wanted to have achieved by today. The Angels don't judge us on how much we do. They don't judge us on how far we get in our careers or how much money we make. They don't care if we write one blog post or one hundred. They only care that whatever we do we do it with love.

So have a great week new-agers, spread the love and know that's enough this week!

Coming up this week I hope to have a blog post up about buying your first tarot deck as well as some more pop culture tarot so stay tuned! I'm also going to finally get around to the free readings requests in my inbox and looking forward to getting some more requests too! :-)

Love, light and Angel hugs,


The week ahead - hot dates and kindred spirits!

photo (27) Last week I pulled the Baba card from the Morgan's Tarot and felt like it was a message for us all to get back in with whatever we call 'God' and then go bake a cake. Well I did spend a little extra time talking to God and I ate a chocolate cupcake on Friday so I guess that was a successful week!

Today I decided to use Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot cards and pulled the Two of Raphael which is based on the two of cups from the traditional tarot. Sorry about the colour of this photo too, I'm in the UK and it's Summer so obviously it's overcast and I'm sitting in the dark. Wah!

So what's happening this week? Are we all going on hot dates?! Are we all going to find that we are surrounded by kindred spirits?! I really hope so!

But mostly, I feel like this card is saying to us that after the last week really trying to get in with God, this week, it's all about getting in with the people around you, but especially those who feel like your soul mates, kindred spirits, the people who just 'get you', whatever you want to call them. And if you don't have any of those people in your life, this week would be a good time to start looking! I've found so many awesome and interesting people on Instagram lately, it's easy to find people who are like-minded and then follow them, comment on their stuff and get a conversation going!

Also, if someone you love pisses you off this week, don't take it too personally. Remember we are all human and we all piss each other off all the time. That's not an excuse to go around being shitty to people of course, but it is a little reminder for us to give each other a break sometimes, especially when it's really not that big of a deal.

Love, light and kindred spirits,


The week ahead - money on mind

photo (16)

Urgh, don't you just hate these money cards? I want fluffy bunny love cards, not MONEY cards! I don't even want to think about money! Unless it's coming to me in unexpected ways of course...

But hey, guess what? We live in the world, and so money is a huge part of our lives, and the Four of Ariel reminds us this week to stop and think about how we are spending. Are you spending way too much? Or are you hoarding all your money away for a 'rainy day' and being kind of a Scrooge?

A good question to ask yourself is this; Are you spending your money on the things that you value? Or are you just buying crap? Think about it next time you're standing in line at the counter, or about to click 'purchase', ask yourself - 'How much do I value this?'

And it works both ways. You might find yourself putting a bunch of stuff you don't really need or want back on the hangers, but you also might find yourself spending more money on things you wouldn't usually. I rarely spend a lot of money on crystals. I always pick up the £1 tumble stones, when really, because I love them so much, I should be looking at the £5 ones instead.

Love, light and expensive crystals,



Styx + angels

I've listened to this song so many times but I never knew it was about angels and star-ships until I heard the lyrics for the first time this morning!


I'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me On board, I'm the captain, so climb aboard We'll search for tomorrow on every shore And I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try to carry on

I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory Some happy, some sad I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had We live happily forever, so the story goes But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold But we'll try best that we can to carry on

A gathering of angels appeared above my head They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said They said come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me

I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise They climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies Singing come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me Come sail away, come sail away Come sail away with me

Welcome to the new age, hipster! x

I've wanted to start this blog for AGES! Like any new creative venture I'm not totally sure what direction it's going to go in, but it's here and It's happening. Start before you're ready and all that. Something Kyle Gray said at his AMAZING workshop last week at the London Wellbeing Festival really hit me. He said whatever we learned during the day, that we should share it. He was like - the more people that know about this stuff, the better.

I've been reading self help books and dabbling in all kinds of religious and spiritual stuff for years now, and even though I am so very far from figuring it all out, I have learned a lot on my journey so far and what's it all for if I'm just keeping it to my super cute Paperchase journals?

I have about a gazillion ideas for things to blog about from tarot cards to fashion, awesome crystal finds on Etsy and ethical household cleaners. I was a little unsure on how to go about writing this first post, but I was very drawn to the idea of pulling a card for anyone who stumbles across this page.

This is the Nine of Michael from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Power Tarot and it reminds us to free ourselves of the worst case scenarios playing out in our minds. Focus on the positive, stop thinking about what you don't want and start thinking about what you do want.


Love and Light,
