Eclipse Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Eclipse Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Welcome to Eclipse Season!

Bonnie Tyler

Eclipse season is a powerful time for reflection, downloads, epiphanies and transformation.

It’s also pretty intense and for many of us sensitive souls. We can find eclipse season more challenging than all the retrogrades and full moons put together!

But fear not! When we balance all the big moods of eclipse season with looking after ourselves and looking after our own energy, we can use this time to create some serious change and magic in our lives!

So grab your journal, a deck of cards (oracle, tarot, angel, whatever!) and join me in tuning in and making this eclipse season the most powerful yet!

1.What to reflect on

Reflecting on the previous seasons of your life is a powerful way to check-in and see if you still want to be on the path you’re on. You may like to reflect on the period of time between this and last eclipse season, to reflect on the last three, six or twelve months, or to even reflect on the last few years.

2.How to receive downloads

There are often big cosmic downloads, epiphanies and ideas available to us at this time, but it’s really helpful to know how to actually receive them. This card should give you some guidance on how to be open to letting in all the wisdom that wants to find you at this time.

3.How to look after yourself

Eclipse season is intense. If you are a sensitive person you may find you just want to go hide under a rock or a doona (Australian for duvet) until it’s over. But we need you doing the work and showing up with your light now more than ever! The messages in this card will help you to know how to look after yourself so you are able to show up when you’re called to.

4.What needs to change

Eclipse season tends to highlight the things that need changing in our lives, whether it’s our physical location, our work, relationships or something going on in our inner world that needs shifting. This card can help you work it out.

5.How to transform

And once you’ve reflected, downloaded higher wisdom and worked out what needs to be transformed in your life, this card will help you know how to go about actually doing it and creating the change you really want to see in your life.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and transformation,

