weekly card reading

The Week Ahead - 3rd to 9th November

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue
Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

This week's messages are brought to you by the Fairies! I used the super cute Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. I love this deck, I picked it up moments after Doreen Virtue herself told me I had 'so many fairies around me'. I'd been working with the fairies for a while, but hadn't really seen much response back from them, but I guess they are working with me, and this week they are working with everyone who reads this!

Monday - Good-bye to the old, hello to the new

Get rid of some old stuff today. Clean out your car, or your closet, your mind or your energy. It feels like we are just finishing off these last few months now, ready to begin again in January, but actually, new things are starting NOW if you are open to them! Something in your life wants to be over. Let it go!

Tuesday - Business venture

A great day to brainstorm some business ideas alone, or with a potential business partner! Maybe you need to spend some time today looking online for jobs or courses. And if you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job - yay for you! But what about working towards a promotion or even sharing some of your skills on a volunteer basis? There is always more we can do with our awesome skills!

Wednesday - Your desire is within reach

Today is about connecting to your faith. It's so easy to get mad at the Universe, hello, I've been there recently myself. Today we do whatever we need to do to reconnect to our 'faith', whatever that means to you. It could be having a cry about everything that's going wrong and letting it all out, throwing a pillow, or just moping around for a couple of hours, but after that you need to take a deep breath, remember what you believe and why and tune back into that.

Thursday - Your wish is granted!

Jiminy Cricket! What a great day to start working on manifesting something! You've reconnected with your faith, now sit quietly and put out into the Universe what you really want. Not just some fancy dress or pair of £800 shoes. No,no, no - what do you really want? Do you want a new job? A life partner? A new house? Travel? Start putting it out into the Universe. I don't want to hear any - 'Oh I think I might want to be a writer someday' kind of vague intentions. No, no. 'I ama writer!' is what you will say, and you'll bloody well mean it! (the word writer is totally exchangeable!)

Friday - Summer & Travel

You need to sow the seeds NOW for what you want to see in your life in six or eight months time. You can't sit on the couch watching Netflix all winter and expect to wake up in Summer with a fun new job. Friday is also a fun day to start planning a getaway. Remember when you travel that you it's not just about you having a good time. When we travel we can help others! Whether it's volunteering in South America, or shining your light on a tiny seaside village, your holiday is not just about you!

Saturday - Winter

We're sowing the seeds for what we want to achieve later down the track but we also need to stop and look around at our lives and be thankful for all we have, and all that we have manifested in our lives so far. Think back to how your life was six months ago or a year ago and be thankful for all you've achieved. Sure, a lot of us have gone through hard times, but we can be thankful for those lessons and move on now knowing we have learnt them and won't have to do that again!

Sunday - New Career

Every weekend we are getting career guidance lately, what's up with that? OK this is a serious message for Sunday - Stop finishing work on Friday, going to the pub and then wasting your whole weekend "having fun" and then going back to work on Monday and doing it all again. It's time to break that cycle and find work that is meaningful to you. It's not going to happen overnight, but like they said on Thursday - sow the seeds now! What do you really want to do career wise?! How do you want to make your money? Read some books about industries you would like to work in, watch a documentary about animal rights, teach yourself tarot. Just do something constructive OK? Even if you love your job, what other skills do you wish you had?!

The fairies have well and truly kicked our butts about this week! They're expecting big things from us, and they totally believe we can do it, or else they wouldn't have wasted their time helping me write this right?!

Also, don't forget to recycle this week! I'm not just talking about regular paper and plastic, but all packaging. Packaging is crazy and it makes me sad when I think about how much of it is in the world, so let's minimise it's impact by recycling everything we possibly can this week! Join the conversation on Facebook and click on the Readings tab for more info about how to get your own personal messages from the fairies!

Wishing you all a busy, powerful fairy light filled week!

Love and light!



This Week - Go Outside!

Cordelia Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards Doreen Virtue New Age Hipster x Better late than never right? I'm not going to go into a whole apologetic spiel about how my life is so busy and important and why I didn't do this earlier. I'm just going to accept where I am and do my best to bring you some New Age Hipster love and insights on a random Wednesday.

I pulled the 'Cordelia' card from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue on Sunday and posted this short but sweet reading about the card on Facebook:

We don't belong in high rise buildings. We don't belong in tube trains. We don't belong in front of our huge flat screen TVs. We belong outside (unless it's really cold right?!) among the trees, fresh air, nature spirits and fairies. We should be looking up at the stars and remembering how amazing this planet and the universe truly is, rather than sitting in front of our laptops all night.

So many times in readings we get 'spend time in nature' type advice, well I know I do! I'm pretty lucky where I live because I have a garden, but I don't always spend time there. I tried to yesterday but there were so many spiders around I got freaked out and had to come back inside! (OK I have some stuff to work through with that!) We don't all live in Summer Bay where you can go hang out at the beach on your lunch break. We don't all have access to a beautiful forest to walk through on the way home from work. If you do have close access to an amazing natural environment then please stop reading this post and go and enjoy it! You don't know how lucky you are!

If you can't even think of how you can possibly spend a decent amount of time in nature this week, or any week for that matter let's have a look at some real life examples of how to connect with nature this week and every week!

<3 Take a walk anywhere for any length of time. Walk through a playground or stand next to some trees. You don't have to be in the countryside to stand near a tree right?!

<3 Buy a pot plant or a bunch of flowers! If Mohammed can't go to the mountain, bring some of the mountain inside!

<3 Make flowers or nature images your phone or laptop screen saver! I got this idea from the lovely Robert Reeves!

<3 Donate some money or time (if you have any!) to an environmental cause - *plug* I'm about to start offering cat charity readings on Etsy so watch this space!

<3 Learn about or read about the Nature Spirits and Fairies! If anyone would like a fairy reading let me know! It's not on my Etsy store, but I'm happy to create one for you! :-D

<3 Recycle! You can rinse our your empty Chinese containers and throw them in the recycling!

<3 When you find yourself outside take deeper breaths! You want all that fresh air in you! This way you can make a ten minute walk feel like a half an hour!

<3 Wind down the windows in your car!

<3 Open the windows in your house. I love opening all the windows, or at least like a front and back door or window to let some air through!

<3 Eat fresh herbs and stuff that grows outside

<3 Pat an animal

<3 Watch a sunset or sunrise

<3 Look at the stars!

What other ways do you connect with nature when you can't get out? I'd love to hear about your ideas on Facebook or Twitter!

Sending you loads of love, light and happy nature vibes!

