
Scorpio Season Tarot Spread

Scorpio Season Tarot Spread

Scorpio season is upon us gorgeous souls!

I’ve got to admit, in the past this has not been one of my favourite of the seasons. I usually feel quite at home in dreamy Pisces or flighty Gemini, but intense, dark and deep Scorpio has often felt a little bit out of my comfort zone.

Ah, but that’s where the magic is, isn’t it friends? Outside the comfort zone!

Scorpio season invites us to work with our shadow, to explore our deepest desires and own our magical power. It’s a powerful time and can bring us deep healing and blessings if we let it.

So grab yourself a deck of cards - any will do - tarot cards, oracle cards, angel cards or whatever you have on hand. Pour yourself a glass of red wine, black coffee or your preferred witchy brew and let’s dive in!

Scorpio Season

1.What lessons does this Scorpio season have for you?

Each astrological season brings its own lessons, and while some Scorpio season lessons are collective - shadow work, transformation, desire, etc., there are also those that will be personal to each of us. This card will help you see what this season has to offer you on a personal level.

2.What parts of your shadow need to be seen?

This one can be a toughy, especially if we’re not always down with doing shadow work. But your shadow can be one of your greatest teachers if you allow it to be. This card will show you what your shadow wants you to see and either accept, heal or let go.

3.How can you work with your shadow this season for healing and empowerment?

Following on from our last card, this one shows you how to work with your shadow this season.

4.What in your life is ready for transformation?

Here you’ll be shown something that is ready to be released and transformed. It may be something in your inner or outer world.

5.How can you step into your magical power and fully own it?

Scorpio season offers us a chance to really connect with and own our own magical and spiritual power. This card will show you how you can begin to do that and fully own it this season!

If this spread floated your boat be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without! And check out The Circle for more spreads, workbooks, meditations and awesome content! :D

With so much love, light and magic making,

