Creative Writing Tarot or Oracle Spread

Creative Writing Tarot Spread.png

Here’s one for all you creative writers and NaNoWriMo-ers!

Whip out a deck of cards (tarot, oracle, whatever you have will do!) and your typewriter and use this spread to help you plot out your novel, make the editing process a little less painful, or hey, if you want to get weird, you can use this spread to help you work out the story of your own life!

Oh, and if you’d care to read some of my creative writing check out my novel Class of 1983! It’s a young adult time travel romance inspired by John Hughes, Sweet Valley High and The Craft. :D

OK, enough about me and my story, let’s get cracking with yours!

1. What is this piece of writing about? What is the theme of this story?

Our stories can have many different themes, sometimes we don’t even know what we’re really writing about until we’ve written it. This card will give you some idea of what you’re actually writing about!

2. Who is this story about? What is their back story?

Here you’ll gain some insights into what’s really going on with your main character.

3. What is the obstacle your protagonist must overcome?

Ah, the hero’s quest! Here you’ll get some idea of the struggles, challenges and adversity your main character will experience.

4. How do they overcome this?

And how the heck are they going to do it? Knowing this is integral to writing a great story!

5. How does this change them and/or their world?

No matter how annoying a main character is, if they can change and grow and become even slightly better than they were at the start of the book, then you have made some magic!

6. How does this story end?

Will your characters get their happily ever after? Or is this just the start of a six part book series? :P x

If you found this useful and you want to check out more of my spreads you can download my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without totally for free by clicking here.

And if you wanna share your spreads on socials please tag me so I can pop by and say hey! :D I’m @newagehipster333

With so much love, light and perfect plotting,



Class of 1983 Victoria Maxwell