Aries Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Aries Season Tarot Spread

Ah Aries Season! It’s like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it?

Aries offers us new beginnings, a clean slate and the opportunity to decide what we want to create in our lives moving forward.

So grab yourself a deck - you can use Tarot, Angel Cards, Oracle Cards, whatever you have, grab your journal and a cup of tea, and let’s pull some cards…

Aries Season

1.The gifts, lessons and blessings this season can bring

This card will help you to see all the magic this season has to offer you!

2.How you can best use this energy of new beginnings

Don’t let Aries season pass you by without grabbing the ram by the horns (hehe) and doing something magical with it. It’s an opportunity for a new start, so take it!

3.Your hidden potential

Aries is a big energy, and we all carry some kind of big energy within us. This card will help you to see what your inner hidden fire is.

4.New things to manifest and create in your life

This card can show you where to focus your intentions and manifestation. You can pull as many cards as you like here if you need more clarity!

5.Action to take to get you there

And this card will show you how to do it and make it happen!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With love, light and new beginnings,

