Advanced Energy Protection Kit | Meditation, Workbook + Video Lesson

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Advanced Energy Protection Kit | Meditation, Workbook + Video Lesson

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The Advanced Energy Protection Kit includes:

  • A PDF Workbook

  • A downloadable MP3 Meditative Journey

  • A video lesson

Through this kit you will:

  • Re-cap some basics of energy protection if you need them

  • Check-in with where you're at energetically and identify what is and isn't working for you

  • Take back your power and take responsibility for what's going on with your own energy

  • Explore love, understanding, unity and non-judgement as energy protection tools

  • Create healthy loving boundaries with people/places/situations that you feel are "taking" your energy

  • Look at how your self-care practices and self-worth affects your ability to protect your energy

  • Level up with how you protect yourself when doing spiritual work, spell work and readings

  • Go on a journey to the Pyramid of Light and Protection where you'll meet with guides who will help you with some deep and powerful energy protection work

  • Work through a new tarot spread + journal prompts to dive even deeper into your energy practices and protection