
Boy Crush Pyjama Party with Bernard Charles the Colour Mage

Bernard Charles and Vix from New Age Hipster

I've been following Bernard Charles on social media for ages, so when I invited him to my PJ party and he said yes I was like OMG I have to change the hashtag to #BoyCrush! Bernard is doing amazing things with colour. He has his own colour deck which I need in my life desperately and he even runs his own courses so you can get certified as a Colour Reader! Whoop!


So Bernard, what music do you want at the pyjama party?

I love Jessie J! Flashlight totally should be playing!

What pyjamas are you going to wear?

I will be wearing some silky black bottoms with a haematite necklace.

So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and stuff?

I read people's color energies so they protect their own aura from the evil Boogiemen in the world.

How did you get into doing that for a job?

I started doing this in college making Youtube videos. Then it actually turned into something full time since I couldn't find a job to save my life. I don't handle rejection well so I am like well I am going to create my own frickin system and don't need a 9-5 boring job devaluing my entitled self-worth.

I love it! What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I play Wizard101 because I need to escape the monotony of not having fiery spells and glittery orbs of light swirling around me.

How about on the weekend?

Downtime on getting focused a lot. And hanging outside since the week I am inside mostly, it's great to get out of the house and do something. There are local member meetings for different groups I am a part of and I try to socialize more on the weekends.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My grown up self will be a global icon for color and advocacy. I see myself on the cover of magazines and expanding people's concept of color. Having a fashion line bursting with color and aura flavor. I will have written three books published professionally. And I will want to direct a film at some point.

Until you have your own fashion line (which I am SO looking forward to!) where do you buy your clothes?

Seeing that I am super color, I don't go out and purchase clothes frequently. Not having the funds would be one reason, but if I do buy some new threads you'll find me at American Eagle, Banana Republic or H&M hitting up those sales racks. Lol.

Sales are the best! What are your favourite beauty products?

I love Aura Cacia's Rose face oil, Burts Bees lip balms and Young Living's line of essential oils!! Feeling beautiful is not a crime and more people must express and advocate for their true color more!

Your hair always looks so awesome! Who does it?

I go to a local Salon and get it done professionally. I work with a very close deity who can be found at any salon - Oshun. It's about the relationship and theory behind color that draws me there and I am happy to say that I see my inner beauty better when I can see it on the outside too!

I'm getting kinda hungry, what are your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Popcorn all the way with a glass of wine. I like all shades and colors so anything will satisfy this late night party animal!

Favourite pizza topping?

Pepperoni and coming into a second is pineapple!!

I love Pineapple on pizza! What are we gonna watch on TV?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch!

It's getting late so we have to tell ghost stories! Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?

So funny you should ask me this! A couple of nights ago I dreamt of my deceased grandmother. And this morning my sister tells me that she had a dream that our grandmother came to visit this house! Strange things happen. I do believe in ghosts and really excited about holding a séance in honor of connecting with the dead. Mooohahahah!

Have you ever had any other kind of spooky or paranormal encounter?

The first time I tried meditating when I was in third grade, this black ghostly form came at my face and spooked me from trying meditation ever again. It wasn't until high school reading about Siddhartha I felt fully safe again to try and meditate!

Woah! What do you think happens when we die?

I think when we live we create the world we get in the afterlife. It's all about projections. I feel that death will consist of an emptiness and a peaceness that we forgot. So we live now in order to try and project the best space thereafter!

I love that idea. Who do you think you were in a past life?

I strongly believe I was connected to being Alexander the Great. What a hunk or so the movie version makes you believe. My past lives dealt with a lot of art and beauty that I am bringing again into this age. I find myself drawn to the Holocaust so I think I might have been Hitler too. Who knows!

What time do you usually go to bed?

On average, I see 11am a lot. If I am up watching Netflix then it's like midnight. I go through a lot of oil because the night keeps me feeling inspired for clear thoughts.

What do you want to do tomorrow?

I want to read someone's color tomorrow by giving a reading. I want to just keep reading this amazing book TheDesireMap by Danielle LaPorte. It's helping my brain and body find peace again.

Who's your girl/boy crush?!

I am definitely crushing on Feather from TheWitchyMommy!

Because you are so boy-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

Hit me up on Instagram @thecolormage or explore the wonderful world of color at


Thanks for coming to my PJ party Bernard! Hugz!

Love and light,

